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Search results for query: *

  1. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    The meme is amusing, but to the point I'm really not impressed by the history of rushed government reactions to anything. On principle I'd agree it's plausible that lacking other known safe treatments for something could push a ~40% effective treatment down to 10%, but anyone pointing to...
  2. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Apparently there's more stuff coming out about Vitamin D levels and Ventilator inefficiency. Rhonda Patrick got into both of them today and more evidence seems to be surfacing, especially on Vitamin D levels. It wouldn't fit the narrative for Ventilators to kill people and getting outside/taking...
  3. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    You continue to degrade people as 'conspiracy theorists' without actually considering the history of the world you live in. That's willful ignorance. We're still the people who gave ourselves societal lead poisoning for centuries. We're still the people who took decades to realize Teflon was...
  4. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Doesn't the belief that infections start up again after lockdowns end and that the lockdown is impossible to sustain globally convince you it's pointless long term? If you aren't willing to keep it going for a year or more to have your vaccine plan ready then it's wasted effort, isn't it? Flu...
  5. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    I've provided far more links and sources than anyone else, and gone through the effort of finding the official government stats straight from the source or academic studies instead of media articles that don't source themselves. The general trend is clear that infection rates are far higher than...
  6. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    What can be more rational then basing your decisions on evidence? All of the decisions were made on models and assumptions that aren't holding up in practice and were always based on extremely sketchy assumptions like there being barely any undetected infected when testing was haphazard, weeks...
  7. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Like TanaNari said there are a lot of other issues involved here. For example when people say "oh look Sweden had it's most deadly week of the millennium" should I just go "duh, there's more people in Sweden than ever"? Sure there's more people but most of them were immigrants and it's not clear...
  8. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yeah but the numbers increased by that much every year on that chart except 2016 so something looks to be up long term. Don't know how reliable the numbers in that source are but if you look at the chart at the top of the page it's got some interesting comparisons of the effect in various...
  9. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Good news for the Kiwis then. I assume you've got enough population growth to cover that rise?
  10. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    This isn't about opinions or feelings, my point is Sweden has objectively seen around a +30% rise in mortality for about a month. Comparing that to the other country I can find set numbers for (who saw +90%) that's a very good performance and less specific sources suggest the same kind of thing...
  11. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    I think the relevant point here applies to both of your replies, we need to look at all causes mortality as well as 'corona' numbers. Sweden's losing far fewer people than other countries seem to be. Unfortunately I can't navigate the French, German, or Italian government stat sites and I'm not...
  12. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    ...first off whether or not Northern Ireland is part of 'Ireland' is only a question on political grounds that are off topic and probably banned here. Geographically it's on the island I call Ireland. Second these are the rules put in place that gave us the numbers we have now. That's my...
  13. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    So interesting articles in the last couple weeks. The WHO is endorsing the Swedish model, so supporters of a draconian lockdown can't count on their backing any longer. (It makes sense when Sweden's the only country where the decision is being made by an epidemiologist and not a panicked...
  14. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Fair enough. This does seem unproductive. Okay, the final word here is 'the rich losing money doesn't make being poor any better'. You can't cancel out the consequences of one because the other also happened. Otherwise I'm just letting this go. It's a pretty out there idea culturally but...
  15. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    In this case the argument would be cutting the number of deaths from immediate infection by a significant margin through controlled exposure, maybe by 2/3rds or 13/14th from the examples he offered. It wouldn't prevent mutation risks but if you think those people are going to get infected...
  16. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    You've ignored the World Food Programme's predictions of 30 million deaths from starvation due to the economic consequences. You've also ignored the loss of life from poverty. Just go look for anything on the subject, if there aren't hard numbers on the cash element (because sometimes it's...
  17. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    The plague isn't what you think it is. I've said this repeatedly the 3% morality WHO figure is for confirmed tested cases which the experts admit is small percentage of the total heavily skewed to hospitalised cases. Realistically you're looking at ~1 in 200 who could die, heavily tilted to the...
  18. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    To all the people who think I'm being heartless here you really need to run out the numbers we're seeing to a year or longer. A ~30% recession is a pretty standard prediction for this quarter in the US and the numbers are similar elsewhere in the world. Right now most people are predicting...
  19. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    The vast majority of Corona cases don't even reach a hospital or get tested, if you're in an economy where people are in literal food poverty you can't afford to overreact without a body count. Just look at the population pyramids for sub saharan africa vs a first world country like the united...
  20. Germtheory3Z

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    That's not any kind of reasoning at all. People can make their own personal decisions on the risks they're willing to take with full awareness of their own age and illnesses. There would probably be a slowdown or smaller recession without, which is usually factored in the lockdown cost numbers...