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Search results for query: *

  1. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    You know... "Accuse others of what you, yourself, are guilty of" is not actually a good way to live your life.
  2. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Damn. Been over a week and you're still butthurt? You should really see a therapist. Or a debugger.
  3. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Well, I do work in an industry that has higher odds than average of exposure, so there's a nonzero chance I'll be able to personally answer this question some day.
  4. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Whelp, suspicions turned out correct. I am now officially a covid survivor. I assume my free t-shirt is in the mail. Also had the scare of a lifetime last night- my grandmother had to go to the hospital because of pneumonia, and I spent all night freaking out because if she had covid, it was...
  5. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Whelp, just got back from my checkup (pretty much perfect health, huzzah!) and... I gotta say, that nasal test is easily the single most unpleasant thing I have ever allowed happen to myself. I would rather get blood drawn, at least that's just pain... I know how to handle pain... I don't know...
  6. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    To be absolutely clear: I didn't say (nor think) you did anything wrong. Giving valid medical advice is not the same as saying that you have to speak a very specific way to avoid hurting other peoples' feelings.
  7. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Oh, I'm aware... but I refuse to let crybullying control my behavior... I consider that sort of self-censorship to be a far greater threat than any plague could be in the modern world. I will continue referring to it as whatever the fuck I want, and being told not to is only going to make me...
  8. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    That is true. "Flu" is generic slang limited to many types of influenza and numerous other viruses that typically have seasonal cycles and come with symptoms typically including (but are by no means limited to) nausea, numerous forms of respiratory distress, and fever. Not unlike the word...
  9. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Oh, I'm aware. But I'm pretty confident at this point that I'm in the 99.x% that got through it just fine. Still gotta admit, hit harder than any bug I've had in a loooong time. Yes, I'm aware it's not influenza. That's why I called it a 'flu'. There is a difference. I note that you're not...
  10. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Whelp, got my taste of the coronavirus. Probably. I caught some bug off this old lady who I help with things she can't anymore, and she got tested positive... so, gotta get my testing for confirmation, but yeah. Seems pretty much a certainty at this point. Have to admit, its was, eh, I'd say...
  11. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    No, no, one could have a plan that *mandated* that Covid-positive people are to cough into at least three peoples' faces per day.
  12. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    *Looks at Detroit* ... Uh, I wouldn't bet money on that plan...
  13. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Billion-dollar corporations are expensive. Electricity isn't free, production of... well, products... takes resources. Employees are nowhere near cheap. That ol' adage 'you have to spend money to make money' is painfully accurate. It's part of why climbing out of poverty is such a pain in the...
  14. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    That *is* fascinating. Thank you.
  15. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    What you described was the definition of 'flash in the pan' plague. I don't think there's been a single disease in history that's only had *one* outbreak. Even Wuhan Flu is SARS 3.0 . Normal not-Spanish-influenza has killed more than the plague. So has salmonella and E. Coli. I would be only...
  16. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Eh, the black death is overhyped... it killed a bunch of people in a narrow span of time, then burned itself out. A flash in the pan, little more. Still infects a few people every year in the modern world (including the USA and Australia)... otherwise, we basically ignore it. Smallpox is the...
  17. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Exactly. We don't have the numbers, yet you're acting as if your claims are facts. And you have the nerve to claim I'm the one who doesn't comprehend science?
  18. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    It... really isn't... yes, there are certainly parts of Iran that are terribly arid (and more than a few frigid mountainous wastelands), the bulk of the people live in areas with comfortable mild weather along the Mediterranean and Caspian seas, with climate more comparable to Spain than Africa...
  19. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    "Like Australia and New Zealand?" No... no there are no other comparable countries due to the fact that the bulk of the southern hemisphere are basically Third World nations... they can't even get rid of the goddamn measles. But if you look at the trackers, Africa is also doing pretty well in...
  20. TanaNari

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Antarctica beat the Wuhan Flu so thoroughly that it still hasn't seen even a single case of infection, for the same reasons taken to the furthest possible extreme. Countries with very low population density and pretty much the worst weather coronavirus can still spread in are obviously going...