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Search results for query: *

  1. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Putting aside whether or not masks '''work''' (heavy sarcasm quotes, ofc they do), the idea that you shouldn't have to mildly inconvenience yourself to make life easier, or even possible, for other people is unbelievably infuriating. I'm sorry that they can't have sufficient empathy to allow...
  2. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    An entirely appropriate response to a post from Aleh, resident expert in all things pseudoscience and anti-vax bullshit related, that's absolutely loaded with citations. 'Nuh-uh'.
  3. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic
    Moderation: 'No' Means 'No'

    I was going to say some things but, frankly, Aleh said it better than I could. Instead I shall simply descend to deal out my usual punishment. TrAiT0r, by posting this pathetic and idiotic tripe you have successfully earned yourself the disdain of all of the people posting here because of...
  4. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Boy, that sure is a thing you said, huh. You said a lot of things today, and of them that is one. Maybe, in the future, you can consider not politicising the global pandemic quite so hard given that exact attitude is one of the things that made it so bad, hm? Food for thought.
  5. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    That's more like 5a.
  6. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Congratulations, both of you, for actually being in the 'reasonable excuse' camp regarding that, and still making an effort anyway. Unlike the dime store karens "oh no i cant breathe if i put this on for five minutes to go buy my cheap plastic tat".
  7. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    It happened with Spanish Flu, it probably happened with the earlier plagues. People will always be people.
  8. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Regrettably, in my experience I have found that often they do.
  9. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    ANGRY PUFFBALL has been threadbanned and their post removed as per the thread's ongoing zero tolerance policy for posts promoting conspiracies that downplay the severity of the global pandemic.
  10. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Also, for this alone I'm kicking you out of the thread, goodbye. I refer back to my last warning as justification.
  11. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    'Peaceful' is a joke. It started with threats of hanging; they erased the swastika that was drawn on the cenotaph in the first few days but left that one up for some time. Their Zello and Telegram accounts are absolutely stuffed with psychopaths gleefully fantasising about executing MPs...
  12. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    I don't want to point fingers, but I'd just like to note that the vast majority of the "Hey what if we just overthrow the democratically elected Govt." rhetoric is coming from the '''''reporters''''' of Counterspin Media on the ground in Wellington. Make of that as you will.
  13. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    So, in a turn of events that will shock literally nobody, the 'anti-mandate' '''protest''' in New Zealand now has a lovely side of 'actual intention to overthrow the government'. What is it about a global pandemic that brings these morons out in droves?
  14. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Thanks for providing the appropriate sources and citations. That's real fucking depressing though.
  15. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Whilst I appreciate the sentiment, this is treading dangerously close to the sort of thing that gets people permanently ejected from this thread. If not for your last statement it may well have crossed that line already. In any case, the number of QQers alone who have noted their losses in...
  16. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Never forget that Andrew motherfucking Wakefield, one of the big 'heroes' of the movement, had a financial interest in split vaccines when he came out specifically against the combined MMR vaccine; and only pivoted to full-on anti-vax when he lost all credibility as a result of his shady dealings.
  17. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Oh geez. Let's just... Let's not, okay? Let's just not. Don't give the conspiraturds any more vindication here.
  18. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Hard to blame them. Conditions were already shit for front line workers with how ungodly entitled people can be, but now with all of this anti-science, anti-medicine, anti-vaccine bullshit going around it's even worse. Lives have been threatened. I wouldn't want to be a nurse right now.
  19. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    You can, but you really shouldn't.
  20. TotalAbsolutism

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    QQ is a porn forum, primarily for porn. If you want to entertain that sort of discussion I suggest you go to Spacebattles or Sufficient Velocity instead.