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Search results for query: *

  1. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

  2. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

  3. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    ... Shouldn't you be sleeping?
  4. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    ... Is it really that hard to take care of your hair by yourself/family? Cut that shit short if it's too much of a hassle and your other option has the possibility to be infected. It will grow back, don't worry...
  5. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    One of the early symptoms seems to be the loss of taste and smell. (Not everyone might get it though, so still look out.)
  6. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    I'm 100% sure those would've happened anyways, as people are dumb.
  7. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    So what we have learned is... go ahead and call every other disease by "geographic location" + "disease name/virus" but not this one because... China? Racism? shit's fucked. You should actually listen to doctors. actually do some prevention for fuck's sake because shit's fucked. the vaccine is...
  8. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Gargle mayonnaise?
  9. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    As weird as not using soap to wash your hands after finishing in the restroom.
  10. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Have you seen what people do with the simple instruction of "wash hands"? They will wash their asses alright, after washing their hands and not washing it again when done with their asses...
  11. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    You are right. Let's use the-virus-that-must-not-be-named.
  12. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    These kind of things take days to "get over" if you are lucky, weeks and months if not, this hasn't even been a day, yet.
  13. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

  14. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Well, yeah. That's why it's an "if" and not reality.
  15. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    If everyone could hole themseves up and have the self-control to not go anywhere it would be done under a month.
  16. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    So that instead of 90+% of the population ending up sick, if every guideline is enforced by the people themselves, only less than 10% does.
  17. daimahou

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    umm, don't hunted mammals go through a test for prion disease? (or at least wild game should be tested for it) Granted that doesn't fuck you up immediately...