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Search results for query: *

  1. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Test came back negative. Else I wouldn't be out of isolation. No way to know if I had it or not; the test isn't 100% sensitive.
  2. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    My sense of smell is back and I'm out of isolation. :)
  3. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    I'm well aware of that and am doing my damnedest not to be a hazard. And honestly compared to some of the other things that can cause anosmia COVID actually is "relatively benign" for a twenty-something like myself. But yeah. Fuck.
  4. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    I couldn't smell my dinner. Fuck. (Don't bother telling me to call the govt; I called them and am doing what they told me to the best of my ability.)
  5. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    There's a lot of "noticeably harder to breathe/feeling lethargic/air hunger" room between "normal" and "actually dangerous". In a smallish room with no ventilation I start feeling the lack of fresh air inside an hour, but ten hours of it still isn't enough to make me pass out.
  6. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Lol, "uniquely American". I'm afraid that while they have a somewhat-disproportionate quantity of this flavour of moron, they're far from having a monopoly on it. Also, (simple) masks do reduce your oxygen intake - but not by enough to matter for a normal person undertaking normal activities.
  7. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    To my understanding our government is mostly playing ball for now and sticking to non-politically-charged actions. Depends on the colony. As I said, you can have a fairly low-tech colony on Venus (giant airtight balloon/lightweight structure filled with air, with everyone living inside the...
  8. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    You don't actually need to get a CPU foundry there immediately for a colony to act as an insurance policy - modern CPUs while very nice are not actually necessary to support humans on another planet. They just have to be able to build one themselves given sufficient time. Venus is the most...
  9. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Not all of them. Also, plenty of viruses have nonhuman reservoirs (smallpox didn't, hence the eradication project). Yeah, with the caveats that it'd need to be a damned big rock (Chicxulub wouldn't cut it) and that aliens count as celestial. This is not relevant to species extinction. Nah...
  10. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Alcohols don't actually chemically react with most macromolecules. What they do is disrupt their structure (and thus function) due to lessening the hydrophobic effect. Many individual macromolecules can recover from being denatured, but larger structures typically can't because the individual...
  11. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    DNA and RNA are not proteins. I think you may be confused. A virion is a free virus particle, in its entirety. A capsid is part of the structure of a virion (either the outer shell if there's no envelope, or the middle part if there is one). It protects the virus's genetic material (and...
  12. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Eh, while "ribovirus" is a term it's not exclusively used; calling a non-retrovirus RNA virus a "virus" isn't wrong and is in fact pretty common unless you're very specifically talking about that attribute. Also, while retroviruses use DNA in their lifecycle, there is no DNA in the virion (the...
  13. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Does alcohol sanitiser even work on viruses, since you don't wash it off?
  14. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    You're talking to someone who has holed up with a month and a half's worth of food, and who went to the trouble to call his estranged mother and tell her he loved her in case those were his last words to her. The former of those I posted in this thread a couple of posts before the one that sent...
  15. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Point of order: the common disease caused by coronaviruses is not the flu but the cold. Call it the Batcold, or Coldkiller XX, or something. :V
  16. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Woolies' canned corned beef is okay (basically tastes like normal corned beef, although the texture's mushier). Their canned ham has a powerful stench when uncanned, but the actual taste isn't too bad either. I'm just too attached to meat in the centre of the plate. (I agree re: infrequent...
  17. magic9mushroom

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    I've got a hoard, but I'm probably going to have to risk one more shopping trip (in a week or so, when I predict the supermarkets will have relaxed "no hoarding"), as otherwise I'd have to restock in about a month and that'll be during the peak. (I seem to be a lot more rational than most of...