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Search results for query: *

  1. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    More than 80 000$ / QUALY? Burt it depends heavily on opportunity costs (how this money would be used otherwise). BTW, it is an interesting though experiment: how much I would be willing to pay to get life 1 day longer? 1 day longer in life of my mother? It calculates up to surprisingly low...
  2. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    And yes, it is possible to reach point where overall damage from continued lockdown will be greater than damage from not continuing lockdowns. I would be interested in a decent comparison, sadly data is not clear at all. Hopefully that will clarify in a near future.
  3. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Excess mortality data is not very accurate but is often a good tool for judging real death count. It is less prone to undertesting (or lack of testing), it is available more often, it is less targeted by people willing to distort official statistics. Main drawback is that it takes all excess...
  4. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2020/04/16/tracking-covid-19-excess-deaths-across-countries is interesting Basically, one may take statistics about deaths from previous years, and we can usually expect very similar statistics each year. Sudden unexplained spikes are very suspicious...
  5. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yes, lives can be saved more efficiently. I still think that as far as our society spends money 2 500 000 $ (or 5 000 000 $ or 10 000 000 $) to save one life is still above average of how we spend money so I see no problem with that. If you have evidence that costs of lockdowns, compared to...
  6. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    2 500 000 $ per person sounds as a good a trade, even assuming that full scale pandemic would be without financial costs (on the other hand it also assumes no deaths caused by lockdown, hopefully it is balanced). 2 500 000 $ per person sounds as a good a trade. Like I care at all about what...
  7. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    From article you linked: it was not a reinfection.
  8. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    There were some reports/claims about lasting damage caused by COVID-19 infections, with reports claiming that it was common for SARS survivors. Is it true that some/many people who went through this will have log-term damage for example to lungs? Is rate of long-term damage higher or roughly...
  9. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    (sorry, forgot about rule 8) What kind of things your government is pushing taking COVID as a good pretext? In Poland government tried to make easier for its electorate (old people) to vote by widespread postal voting, while not giving ability to use postal vote for others. Thankfully it was...
  10. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yes, self-sustaining colonies outside Earth would reduce risk. But self-sustaining colonies are in the extreme future. Note what kind of things you need to be self-sufficient! For example CPU foundry costs alone runs into billions (costs are not directly important, but it is good indication of...
  11. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yeah, as far as historic plagues it is far away from the worst. Black death killed about 30% to 50% of population. Plagues brought by Europeans into America killed 70-90% of population (and collapsed societies so thoroughly that it had plenty of bizzare results). And I am glad that it has...
  12. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    I would argue that buying food for month that you will eat is not hoarding. Hoarding is buying more than you will actually consume within a reasonable time. Some stockpile is a good thing.
  13. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yes, adults without health complications are very unlikely to die from it. But many have health complications and are unaware and it is still far more deadly than flu. It is not enough to cause massive deaths and societal changes, but enough to be wary about that. If you are apparently...
  14. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    They had mass graves on 12th March already (found in the satellite imagery). https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/12/coronavirus-iran-mass-graves-qom https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/13/middleeast/iran-coronavirus-mass-graves-intl/index.html...
  15. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    1) Why you would be buying water? Is tap water not drinkable in USA (AFAIK Flint is an anomaly)? 2) It is a good thing that mass buying was limited, yes you should have stockpile of food. But creating it at such time is a coordination failure 3) Panic buying of food is less likely to end with...
  16. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Shops in America are out of toilet paper, because everybody started stockpiling too much at once. America is not out of toilet paper.