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  1. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Eh, I laid it at the feet that he was the MC. The Force is also a massive multiplier and OCP to everyone even Mandos when wielded by someone with Cam's raw power. Plus, it was not like everyone else was not putting up one hell of a fight. It seemed like these 'newbie' Mandos were more than...
  2. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    This was not evident in what was portrayed with the other Mandos and all the training that they are shown going through. If that is the case then so be it. But what was presented did not show that.
  3. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Did Cameron level up for defeating the elite mooks of the Mandos?
  4. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    But he is not right. All he is going to do is create more chaos and destruction as he seems to want to rip apart the modern Jedi order in a way that will undoubtedly lead to strife and violence. Cam at this point in his life is an arrogant child who seems to think the Universe revolves around...
  5. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Props on a good argument. However, I fundamentally disagree and maybe we see things differently. I see it as Palpatine furthering his manipulations and playing his games. Mace was correct in that situation and Palpatine was to dangerous to be left alive and we see in that scene that Palpatine is...
  6. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Prove to me that was the case and not that they were in an equal power struggle. I do not remember that being portrayed at all. Mace is someone who is all business, especially during combat against a Sith Lord.
  7. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Again he is the harsh side of the light, the Paladin if you will. The man who stares the dark in the eye and says, no. What? Just because he stands against Cameron does not make him a zealot. Cam has been doing some pretty stupid and reckless things. Hanging out with some of the most notorious...
  8. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Nope not even close, he knows he has darkness in him so he created Vapaad to channel his darkness. He was the only Force user to be able to do this successfully as everyone else who tried ended up succumbing. Mace is someone to admire as he can actually channel the darkness that everyone shares...
  9. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Please no, if you know anything at all about Mace Windu, then you know him turning to the Dark Side, is never going to happen.
  10. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    You really must stop bringing this up. No, that is not something the Jedi do. There was only ever the Prism which was a one-off comic and even then it was used only in the Clone Wars to imprison verified dark side adepts who were a bunch of assassins and mass murderers.
  11. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    No, that would be cringe as all get out.
  12. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    After thinking about this fic, I really hope Cameron stays with the Jedi order and gets added onto the Council during the Clone War (or whatever it ends up being called). Hopefully, he can reform from the inside and change it into the New Jedi Order of Luke Skywalker. Maybe Cameron can even...
  13. D King Hecht

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Remember this is all that Cameron knows of Darth Plagueis at the beginning of his insertion.