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  1. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    True Cam did observe Serra just before the masters leave. But if you look at it in time that's like maximum 1 month. I don't think that serra cam make such a jump in 4 years and sudenly she jumps in 1 month? Its not possible. Especialy if we put Cam here. Serra jump like 2 lv. Cam with all his...
  2. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Wait a moment. How did Serra managed to become lv16? I mean she doesnt go out of the temple because of her master. She doesn't have the system to help or have extreme potential with the force. I personaly couldn't find any talent/perk/traits that she have outside of combat (like programing...
  3. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    True about her being traditionalist but I think that she is also the most easy one to convert. After all she is archivist. Her speciality is studying ancient history and knowledge. She doesn't make difference if it's light or dark. Just how Cam said that a skill could be both light or dark...
  4. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Does Cam have some plans for Jocasta Nu? After all he wants to create new order and she is the archivist with the most knowledge from both light and dark side. Even the forgotten ancient teachings and powers. Sidious feared and searched for her bc she could revive a new jedi order.
  5. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    I have a question. Cam knows that the war is coming soo it's logical to study about space combat and tactics to prepare himself for when he is given a rank in the military. BUT IF Cam decides to stay with the order when the war begins then is he planing about teaching his jedi allies about...
  6. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Very true. He should turn them against him. But can he do that without exposing himself? We don't want Palpatine knowing that Cam is working against him from day 1. And Cam mustnt expose that Palpatine is a sith lord/separatists leader. Only that he is not a good person. Otherwise there would a...
  7. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    So are you saying that other than joining the naboo invasion fight Cam is also going to put somehow Palpatine in bad light in front of his people? Intersting Personally I think anakin should go with obi wan. I don't see the high council trusting Cam with teaching him. He would already have...
  8. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    I don't find the idea absurd. Just possible. My opinion on yoda at the moment is neutral. He supports the old belief in the code but isn't outright against any new ideals or new suggestions. While he is neutral the high council is not. Most of them are strict followers of the code. They...
  9. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    If Cam decided to quit a make the grey order i assume that there are gonna be a lot of jedi coming with him. Are Yoda and Yardla gonna be among them?
  10. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    The chance for ashoka is less than 0,1%. The reason is simple. She is not even born yet. (I think) If I remember correctly she become anakins padwan when the war started. Anakin was 19 and she has ATLEAST 6 years difference with him (so 13). That means that when naboo happens she will be maximum...
  11. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Well as I said possible but not likely. Altough I think windu won't be the first HC member to go after Cam. When you say coming to blows what exactly do you mean? Spar, real fight, verbal fight, private, with audience and so on. Besides HC isn't the only option. There are other councils and...
  12. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Oh so most of them were thinking in the lines of "there is a new chapter" rather than "the creator is posting a long reply". Yeah the time lapse between 1 and 2 is 10 years. There are many things that can happen in 10 years. Like the war starting early while anakin is still a teen pdwan...
  13. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Hey can someone tell me why there are so many people online at the same time? It's 12-27 for more than 45 min. Did something happened? So Cam is getting quality time with each girl for a whole arc? Very intersting. And it looks like there is already a plan how to include Cam in the naboo...
  14. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    So it's like when Cam returns it would be either to get promoted into a knight or to officially quit from the temple and become a stray jedi? Altough if he leaves for 2+ years does that mean that serra also wI'll be gone for 2+ years from her original master? And will Cam be able to see his...
  15. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Does that mean that Cam is going to the mandalorians? After all he has less than 1 year time before 13. Something is telling me that when Cam returns back to the temple there won't be knight promotion but heavy investigations, home arrest, separation from his teachers and maybe...
  16. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    One minute you say many jedi don't think that Cam is the chosen one. Then after that you say that he stands out because of the way that everyone else act the same. I guess you mean that everyone follows the code without questioning like a religion. But with the way that he come to the temple...
  17. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Yes its a good thing for Cam to have low profile. I am not saying that it's wrong. What I am saying it's wrong is Cams way of low profile vs the situation that he is under now. First let's clear something. It doesn't matter if someone likes or dislikes Cam. They will both watch him for their...
  18. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    There is something correct but also something incorrect. Like if Cam relies only on bullet, precognition and speed then why everyone knows that he loves to use or mix force powers with his saber fight in the spars. You say that he doesn't need to use TK or esoteric powers to win a spar? True...
  19. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    I have a question. Why is Cam power wise comparable to only average knight jedi (mid knight)? Yeah it's an old one but I had to ask because only now it occurred me something. From observe we know that the min-max of the knight class is 20-30lv which logically means that the mid knight...
  20. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    If you have a hard time in making new special perks then don't. You already have one perk system. Why more? Like for example 1- for every 25 in one stat Cam gets one perk point to use. 2- if you think that 1 could be too much then put some restriction in the perk points that you get from...