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Search results for query: *

  1. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    When you fight with plasma swords long enough you're bound to eventually lose something you were very attached to. :p
  2. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Yep. The fic's overall quality is great. Really something special, but it occasionally has the feeling that this "campaign" is being conducted by a malicious GM who fudges the numbers every time the players seem to be doing too well. The "PTB" in a nutshell: "We are altering the rules. Pray we...
  3. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    I would like to note that I appreciate the strategic ambiguity of the arc title "Fallen Apprentice," seeing as it could be referring to either Cam or just Komari Vosa herself.
  4. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Does anyone else find it kind of heartwarming, in a VERY weird way, that Plagueis cares more about his apprentice than Bane's order?
  5. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    ...Oh snap, I forgot too. XD
  6. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    On the one hand? Classy. On the other hand? Boooooooo. :P
  7. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Soon, Mandalorians everywhere: "...I feel a disturbance in the Badass. As though something ridiculously lethal was just killed by one of us in an incredibly awesome way..."
  8. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    In their tongue, he is Krayt-Ah-Kiin!
  9. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    I don't think he actually took them off himself at any point since he's trying to act like he can't do that, but I thought I recalled the narration claiming he could have if he needed to, which was why he was so accepting of them in the first place. But I might be misremembering.
  10. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    He's demonstrated the ability to work around them / get them off without assistance before hasn't he? EDIT: Being serious here correct me if I'm wrong. I thought I'd read that at some point. I remember for sure that he can at least teleport across the academy while they're on.
  11. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Well maybe Sarlacc just tastes like ass to the point that pretty much anything else is preferable. Wouldn't surprise me. Okay, so I think there's a pretty large narrative problem with this whole thing and it pretty much ties directly into that Other M comparison I made previously. Why hasn't...
  12. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    The Force. Duh. Serra was being carefully monitored via various methods the entire time. Also, while they expect the would-be Mandalorian to succeed on their own it's a rite of passage. They don't want to kill off their children for no reason. If a situation develops that is hilariously...
  13. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    I'm not sure they'd let him set foot on Korriban, random choice or not. Honestly, since this rite is for adolescent, inexperienced Mandalorians I wouldn't think Korriban would even be considered a possibility. For anyone. Otherwise there'd be very few new Mandalorians.
  14. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Cameron knows those tricksy Mandalorians loves to stick things in their gauntletses. EDIT: Seriously, for all that he was probably jobbing a bit I could practically hear him thinking 'If I just charge in he's gonna pull out some ridiculous anti-Jedi bullshit from that shiny new armor and wreck...
  15. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Yeah...methinks there's a schism coming in the future on par with the Protestant Reformation. MC might as well be named Martin Luther.
  16. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    I think they meant he didn't explain it aloud. To the other characters. Yes, we know he disagrees because his inner narration says so, but he's never actually said that to Bo or Serra. EDIT: Well he sort of did in passing at the beginning, but he didn't properly articulate his views on the...
  17. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Yes, exactly. I don't know what. :p
  18. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    What the French call a certain...I don't know what.
  19. auraofcalm

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Hah. Something tells me that without gamer's mind he would've just flirted with the dark side.