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Search results for query: *

  1. Lance crasher

    favorite quotes or quotes you created yourself

    this quote is related to the one i posted previously here regarding my dislike for Arabic but this one is back in middle school which is the time where I'm not chill "Arabic exam will become a game of luck and guessing because nobody know what the question is even about and you don't have...
  2. Lance crasher

    favorite quotes or quotes you created yourself

    "CAN'T THERE JUST BE MORE FLESHY MERGING WOMAN IN ANIME I NEED IT!!!" a bit exaggerated but i made this quote after finding my favorite fetish and realizing there are not many of it
  3. Lance crasher

    favorite quotes or quotes you created yourself

    i never would've thought I'll find someone on this site to relate with the horrible thing called Arabic exam seriously that shit feels harder than math Tax: "Hey anything is possible in the multiverse even if it's horrible and disgusting as fuck"
  4. Lance crasher

    favorite quotes or quotes you created yourself

    "every Arabic exam is going to be a game of luck since nobody understand what the question is or what the answer is about anyway"
  5. Lance crasher

    favorite quotes or quotes you created yourself

    "if you're worried about writing crack the wrong way that much why not just go all out to full on cocaine my dude"