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  1. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    :p Awesome chapter, thanks for the update.
  2. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Especially considering how Wildbow went out of his way to make fan favorite characters he dislikes unlikeable on Ward just out of spite.
  3. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    The wonders of living on Worm. Hell looks nice in comparison. :p Awesome chapter, thanks for the update.
  4. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    So Mom's crew has conection's with Charlie and Stollas. Fun stuff. Nice chapter, thanks for the update.
  5. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Nice chapter, good work.
  6. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Great chapter, nice work.
  7. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Hehe the vigilantes are going to have kittens when they realize Skitter is back in town. :D Nice chapter, good work.
  8. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    The word 'mercenaries' in a Worm fic always makes me think Coil. Wonder if the damned sanke is around? Nice bit with Taylor and Mimi. Nice chapter good work.
  9. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    I just had a thought! A heroic inclined sinner that died years ago and helped the imps with inventions. Guess we now know where Hero is! :D
  10. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Lol, I hadn't even considered this may happen! Wonder if rumors about his 'daughter' will eventually reach Valentino? :p Loved the little interlude, great work.
  11. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    True, but I'm talking about her Shard's reaction. After all, it will learn there is so much new DATA it never analyzed before! :p
  12. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    So many interesting twist this chapter! So Mimi may well be the original Burnscar. And Taylor is going to sent her Thinker friend proff that the afterlife exists! Hope Lisa's Shard doesn't explode. :p Great work, thanks for the update.
  13. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    The clones are in hell... well that will complicate things by a lot. :sneaky: Very nice chapter, thanks for the update.
  14. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Excellent chapter, keep up the great work.
  15. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    The vault scene was pure gold. :p
  16. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Time fo Skitter to take the field. :cool:
  17. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    And best Imps join the party! :D Nice chapter, good work.
  18. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    These "down time" chapters are really good. Nice work, thanks for the update.
  19. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Nice chapter, good work.
  20. Greatazuredragon

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Nice chapter, good work.