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Search results for query: *

  1. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    This is the first quest I ever made, and possibly one of -- if not the -- first fic I posted to QQ. I had no idea how anything worked here, and I thought it would be fine. At this point I'm keeping it here for no specific reason, and I'm actually not active in any way on SB or SV nor am I that...
  2. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Should've said that to the me of 1 and 1/2 years ago buddy. I think I figured as much by now.
  3. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Yeah it's perfectly fine, and there is more than enough wool. If assuming 0.5% each adult sheep, that's 2% a day. We've had the sheep for 13 days (yes I went back and counted) so you should have 26% wool stocked up. Gonna add that in real quick. Also for some reason I forgot that baby animals...
  4. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    I would like you to consider this third option: "Until proven otherwise, QM is a moron." Yeah I didn't realize that it should be a thing back then and forgot entirely... this quest makes me wanna rip my hair our ngl.
  5. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Consider the version to be 'yes'. Let's call it a self-correcting world.
  6. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    LMAO I didn't expect this kinda question by a long shot. Lemme see... Hmm... if wood can be used to make up for the lack of stone, and the area underneath to be lit up (unless you intend to build it above the walled area, in which case it's already lit), then I think so. I want to say it would...
  7. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    dabs in no votes quest ded?
  8. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [Harvest]: Main action -[Harvest] Wood [ ] -[Harvest] Food [ ] -[Harvest] Minerals [ ] (write-in what) -[Harvest] Hunt [ ] (Write-in what) [Exploration]: Main action -[Exploration] North (Dense oak and birch forest) (Required: Exploration 2) [ ] -[Exploration] South (Plains and mountains)...
  9. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)
    Index: Day 16

    “This makes no sense whatsoever,” 2B mused in sheer monotone, staring at the walls that Monika was placing. The brunette suppressed a chuckle at the – apparently – older woman’s flabbergasted expression, going to keep placing blocks instead. “I know. Nothing here makes sense, except it sorta...
  10. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Let's say that large-scale building (like upgrading the wall) counts as 2 main actions if alone, and 1 main if Monika gets help. So this is fine. By the time we have the next update I'll have polished up also the building options to account for the new time system. Barely had the time to...
  11. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Y'know guys, I think I will end up with an infamy for writing the weirdest crossovers and crackfics. Like, we have Mine.chr, which is pretty fuckibg weird you gotta admit. Next I wrote Hell in a Crapbasket (links below), then we have a oneshot I posted on my snip thread about DDLC x Madness...
  12. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Just realized that I forgor. If you want to send someone to do something on their own you can add an extra action in the slot for that time and add in brackets (Only 2B) or whoever else.
  13. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Alright, I mentioned that I will be changing how the votes work again. Yeah, Mr. indecisive over here. Instead of the 'hour' system, I want to simplify it. We have three periods: morning, day, and evening. Pick one main action for each of those periods, as well as a secondary action. That...
  14. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)
    Index: Day 15

    That morning was a productive morning… for a given definition of ‘productive’, considering that she’d spent three whole hours underground and the most valuable thing she’d found was a bunch of lapis. At least, iron and coal were always useful, and she could find those easily enough. After...
  15. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Today's update may have to be delayed to tomorrow due to a few complications. Nothing to worry over, but I haven't had the time to finish writing and I don't want to split the update: it is a rather important one, so I feel it oughta be in one piece. Also, I'm going to be changing the voting...
  16. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Pfff looks like I was worried for nothing. The grand majority seems to be voting to see the 2Booty added to the fic. Y'all down bad lmao. I'm not gonna be writing smut for this, I'd like to remind you.
  17. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    For this vote I'll keep things as they've always been: you got 12 hours to work with. Pick the options from this post Or when the option chosen allows it, refer to the threadmarked Status post. Also, if anything happens and we don't get votes by the allotted time I can just push this back one...
  18. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Guys you do realize that if you don't vote then I can't write an update, yes? ...Actually, this brings up a point. Should I start simplifying the votes, to make them more accessible? Like, maybe lower the number of 'time slots' and make choices more generic? If you have any ideas feel free to...
  19. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    ...You know what, that's a fair point.
  20. Alien-Kun

    [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Welp, the poll is closed and we now have the characters that will appear in this quest. -9S/2B/A2 (I'm gonna put up another poll soon to figure out which one of them) -Glados -Wall-E and Eve (best bots lets gooo)