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Search results for query: *

  1. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    At least minecraft's probably better than being in a potato lol. [X] Southeast Scavenging & Studying Spiders -[X][Other] Build something (Write-in, refer to status threadmark) --[X][Wall] Fix (1 hour, repeatable, repairs 20%) x2 -[X][Resources] Scavenge (2 hours) --[X][Scavenge -> Search]...
  2. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Arm, Expand, and Train Great to see this updating again. Hope the exams went okay even if they were difficult.
  3. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Glass Shattering -[X][Tall boye] ...Maybe you could offer it something? It seemed to like that block. (In which case, what will you give? Monika happens to have a few random items in her inventory, so feel free to suggest whatever so long as it isn't absurd) --[X] Offer it a block of glass...
  4. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Build that wall until it's done. Oof, that wall roll. And the system being unpleasant. Odd. Glad we got red engineering if the walls are gonna be taking that kind of damage, need to get those traps up pronto. Gear upgrade is a good idea too, hopefully if we do have a breach we don't need...
  5. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    I dunno, fishing lol? Animal handling? Something with the Void? It'll be an interesting patch when we jump to a new game, that's for sure. Oh right, those gauntlets should have finished their purification halfway through today. Should we write in an option to investigate those if we wanna see...
  6. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Magma Engineering [X][Pupper Name] Natsuki [X][Pupper LV up] Toughness (more damage reduction) -[X][Other] Build something --[X] Create Clothes: Arcane robes [One and a half hours, 10% Wool, 3% String, 2% Mana Crystals] --[X] Increase storage (Large: max holding 500%) [half hour, 25% Wood]...
  7. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Good to hear you're working out something that'll work for you without burning out.
  8. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Heh, I'd assumed it was gonna be other games too. Funny to see you were just gonna go all new game++++++ on us and crank up the difficulty.
  9. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Ah, speaking of perk tiers, can we buy extra tiers for specific perks in case we wanted tier 2 nimble or something, or are we just able to invest in the tree in general?
  10. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Yeah, Monika's just such an interesting character to begin with, the idea of an ai in a game realizing the state of their existence and going mad from the revelation has a pretty fun lovecraftian vibe to it already. And then taking that concept and turning it into some sort of afterlife for her...
  11. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Yay, more of this quest. Honestly, I'm amazed how invested I am in this, especially after that awesome fight last update lol. This is becoming one of my favorite quests. [X][System Questions] Are there other quests for me to do other than killing the Ender Dragon? That seems like the final...
  12. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Training, building, and Taking a Breather Ehhh, I have thoughts on productive stuff to do, but screw it, Monika's earned a break. Holy shit that fight. Thank god that equipment upgrade happened, some of those rolls were uncomfortably close.
  13. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Well, edited in a quick rush to get a bit of an equipment boost if we can manage it in time if people feel like adding it. Not a super big deal hopefully, but any bonus to the rolls, y'know?
  14. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    I look forward to the day we can have Monika in a full on Dark Lord citadel of obsidian walls and lava moats. The only way to feel safe.
  15. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    -[X] Fight off the horde (Great Melee EXP gain) --[X] Plan? (Write-in) ---[X] *Quickly* craft an iron sabre and iron shield ---[X] Get outside, build a pile of blocks to let you get up onto the roof without them being able to follow you. Use your shield to defend against any arrows the skeletons...
  16. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    [X] Growing Garden and Getting Gear -[X] Build something (Note: building upgrades have been updated with time costs as well.) --[X] Iron Pickaxe --[X] Iron Chestplate --[X] Medium Farm (2 hours, max of 6 plants) -Add plant: Strawberries [half hour] -Add plant: Rice [half hour] -Add plant: Potato...
  17. [RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

    Huh. Well, this is a thing. Probably a good idea to train up acrobatics, maybe then she can stop falling all the time. I know it took me a fair bit of practice to stop falling to my death in minecraft (as much). Huh, when did LV go to 1? That feels significant.