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  1. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Brits loved to have buffer states between Moscov and India entire 19th century.Entire big game was aboit that. But here,they could have independent Chiva and Buchara again...hopefully with less insane rulers. Tibet - Manchur army still had horse archers there.And quite good. Scyscrapers - good...
  2. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Yup.It would not help you in,let say,Somalia.
  3. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    That.People ruled by corrupted or unefiicent beaurocrats usually do not care,when somebody competent take over. Becouse,common people want safety,order,and local rights - not some ideals like Liberte,Egalite and all that jazz.
  4. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Schools and reserve officers - good idea,if you have only uneducated peasants,then they would be good only as cannon fodder,or,at best,partisants. Tibet - according to what i read,it was really remote place,and monks ruling there was very far from enlinghtened rulers. And,maybe you manage to...
  5. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Brits - i forget,that they scrapped many battleships and battlecruisers with 343mm guns.Buy them - bot guns for coastal batteries,and few battleships.Brits need money,so they should not take much from your China.
  6. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Thanks ! could your China use battleship massacre in Washington to buy one or two? even as mobile batteries they would still be great help - both to repel invasion,and use on big rivers to provide fire support.
  7. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Yes,Churchill tried,yet USA missed their opportunity to become sole world superpower.They should use Poland as pretext to destroy soviets,not becouse of justice or morality,but to take over the world as good guys who destroyed bad germans,japaneese,and soviets. Which would be true,soviets were...
  8. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    After kicking soviets in 1920 near Warsaw we defeated them later on Niemen river,and both France and USA promised war materials if we finish them off.With Wrangel help,we could do so. Sadly,all our politician thought,that West would later sell us to White Russia,but never to commies.So,we made...
  9. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    That.Or,they would made some very good radar to locate where main chamber is,drill there,and send robots to made pictures.
  10. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Yes,they do not have technology to dig it safely,i doubt if even now it is possible. Fun thing is - Tomb supposed to have many traps like crossbows waiting for thiefs,and all they must arleady malfunction - but what supposed to save Emperor life,mercury,still made his treasures safe from thieves....
  11. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    According to what i read,dude used kind of ointment with mercury,becouse belived that it made him immortal. And lakes made out of mercury in his tombs really supposed to exist,but,after 1920 years,it all arleady go into soil and water. So yes,do not touch it,and do not take water from nearby...
  12. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Quin tomb - better do not try open it,dude belived in immortality through mercury,and there supposed to be entire lakes of it.People would die.
  13. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    About what real winged hussarls could do,and what they could not - in 1626 swedes prepared field dortifications,winged hussarls charged it,and failed to win. But - they were still capable of smashing anything in open field - in 1627,during Trzcianna battle,they destroyed 3 groups of swedish...
  14. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Yes,Flint was ignorant.He belived in bad spanish inquisition burning witches,when in reality from 1616 they refused to even check such cases,becouse they do not belived in magic. He also belived,that they targeted jews,which again,is lie - they were interested only in burning catholics who...
  15. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Well, it seems,that uygurs this time would fare better then OTL.Not that it matter for anybody except them. And developing industry is good idea, it is almost always better to produce things in your country then take from abroad.
  16. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Thanks ! i do not knew about that.But,if they add stronger engine,they could get sometching like Fiat 3000.
  17. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Trocky was not mad,but rather gambler - if we fall,german joined him against us,and french army mutinied thanks to commies,then Europe,Africa and most of Asia would be his.I almost pity that we win,becouse i really wonder if he pull it or not. Renault tank - do not waste money on it,buy...
  18. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    That remind me how Poland in 1939 still used some french heavy 120mm gun from 1878,becouse we have a lot of ammo for that...
  19. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    6,5mm would be better - still good enough to kill,but you could take more ammo with you.And,could mass produce first assault rifle ever made - Avtamat Fedorova !
  20. Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Versaile - Foch knew,that it mean another war started by germans,some polish commanders predicted the same, and french writer,Jacques Bainville,predicted the same in his book from 1919.Nobody listened. United Germany WOULD ALWAYS TRY TO CONQER EUROPE - that it is why they should be turned into...