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Search results for query: *

  1. Kwame

    Pink Petals and Ninja Science: A Naruto Time Travel Quest

    The reason why we shouldn't use genjitsu to just end it is it gives a chance for Naruto's vow. Without it the Zabuza fight is going to be hellish. It also doesn't matter that Kakashi knows. This builds up trust with him.
  2. Kwame

    Pink Petals and Ninja Science: A Naruto Time Travel Quest

    [X] Alert Kakashi about them. It’ll get you in his good graces after the Bell Test catastrophe, and maybe even end this confrontation before it begins. Sakura is shit at everything except chakra control and average at Taijutsu. Also don't wish to bring up questions as to why she knows phoenix...
  3. Kwame

    Pink Petals and Ninja Science: A Naruto Time Travel Quest

    [X] Throw yourself into training with Lee. You need to cover your weakness in Taijutsu quickly. I want to see if Sakura using her intellect can get wood style but we need something immediately useful for Waves. Plus her increasing her physical abilities should give us access to more Chakra...
  4. Kwame

    Pink Petals and Ninja Science: A Naruto Time Travel Quest

    [X] Throw a barrage of kunai and shuriken so that Naruto or Sasuke can grab one of the bells while Kakashi is distracted. The test is about teamwork and we probably shouldn't use Jutsu we shouldn't have.
  5. Kwame

    Pink Petals and Ninja Science: A Naruto Time Travel Quest

    [X] I’m Haruno Sakura. Things I like and things I hate- I don’t feel like telling you that. Dreams for the future- I’ve never really thought about them, and hobbies- well, I have lots of them. So Kakashi like, I love it so much. Gives them absolutely no information to work with but tells them...
  6. Kwame

    Pink Petals and Ninja Science: A Naruto Time Travel Quest

    [X] Reacquaint yourself with your twelve-year old self. You have to keep up the appearance of thinking he’s somewhat annoying, so going off on your own and attempting some of your jutsu from the future is an acceptable excuse. Should probably do this while Kashi isn't monitoring her. Kinda...
  7. Kwame

    Pink Petals and Ninja Science: A Naruto Time Travel Quest

    [X] Your room back in Konoha, the one you haven’t seen in three years because of… switching employers. The crimson dress you’re wearing is the one you wore at the very beginning of your career. That every-comforting burn of the Curse Mark is notably absent. Do this is an AU where she followed...