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Search results for query: *

  1. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    Sigh... why did I know a few of them were going to slip past me xd. Ty for the notice, will fix em' up now
  2. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking
    Threadmarks: Chapter 8 - One's Self Worth

    Chapter 8 - One's Self Worth It was the end of the first week of her second year in Aldera Junior High, but unlike last year, there was no excitement this time around. While she was optimistic and had hoped Junior High would be a different experience, it soon became apparent it was nothing...
  3. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    Uuiuu, interesting. Definitely a creative one. In canon, his mentality is what his greatest weakness was, so its a shame he only had "Unstable Kevin" stages most of the time. It would be an interesting Battle Form, especially if the suit is adaptable/versatile to accommodate such changes to the...
  4. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    hmm, now that I think about it, there's a very high likely hood of that being the case. She definitely won't forget that moment for the foreseeable future, that's for sure lmao.
  5. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking
    Threadmarks: Chapter 7 - The Meaning Behind a Dream

    Supsup, here's another MHA update! Sorry for the delay, ran into some issues I wanted to fix to make the Chapter flow more smoothly, but I think it's fine now. Hope ye enjoy! Chapter 7 - The Meaning Behind a Dream "Hiyaaa!" Came the war-cry of the brown-haired teen who was my sparring...
  6. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    The key is not being too cocky, or thinking catching him off guard would work. I feel like people wont have an issue with the Eri rescue happing a bit earlier, and prevents several casualties from happening, plus it might give the thing Yukio needs to be ahead of AFO. Make no mistake, they...
  7. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    He's definitely gonna need to use some strong ass abilities to overpower Shigiraki Kurogiri and Nomu. Well the first two are somewhat simple, one is not yet experienced and the other can only offer mobility, but wont be enough. Nomu, i wanna burn him to a crisp. Idk if it was just me, but when I...
  8. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    So glad someone brought this up, since I really wanted to discuss this topic. So the USJ event, only 2 things stay the same, 13 and Aizawa getting hurt (gotta add that sense of dread before the surprise). It would be quite different since while Izuka could/will be a big question mark during USJ...
  9. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    Ikr? Most SI-MCs go a different route, and why I don't see a problem with it, it lacks a few certain elements to make em human. MHA, compared to other worlds, is the type of world you'd just wanna help out, regardless how it may be or how corrupt certain aspects are. Not only that, but most...
  10. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    Yupyup, thats the plan. Healing abilities are super broken and very useful, as well as hard to find effective ones. Getting an Healing Aura that can mend more severe wounds from fatal damage, Overhaul's Quirk would be the last piece to fix any dissability. So yeah, will invest some time into that.
  11. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    (To the Add-on) Interesting question. For that, I feel slight changes are in order. So what I had in mind was for the events of Slime Attack and meeting All Might to stay similar (with changes) but very different context and outlook on Izu's side. There isnt a necessity to "drastically" change...
  12. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    Something slight or that can extend range from where it can be absorbed. If you noted how I phrased it in the chapter, harnessing Solar Energy vis plant Manip. and a few others is possible. Yup, but only the the 10% Stockpile aspect. For 2 reasons really. One, i feel like OFA to its fullest...
  13. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    Ok, Im sure I fixed it now.
  14. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking
    Threadmarks: Chapter 6 - Theory Crafting

    Chapter 6 - Theory Crafting After quite a bit of Quirk searching, Izuka and I were more than glad about the amount we managed to collect in such a short amount of time. We contacted other people through about a dozen different forums and a few others from random people we encountered by simply...
  15. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    True, and I was heavily debating who to choose since I wanted to try single pairings for a change. Somehow found one fem Izu pic and it was all down hill from there, literal best of both worlds since I like Izuku as a character.
  16. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    Impossible. Got too obsessed with this pairing and how it will turn out, plus its a fun project for me. Very doubtful it won't reach canon, just need to figure out what to add before we get to that point.
  17. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    I do think that solely training a Quirk can increase its proficiency in base form, but not the full potential of what said Quirk can do on its own. 'Efficiency', 'Amplification' with base energy fueling can do wonders. For the Stockpile one, I think it would be allowrd to grow since other...
  18. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    The Stockpile to Absorption amp is pretty nifty, as it would be needed to face down All For One. Stuff like this w 'Rewind' and a few specific others to access a form that can give the faceless bastard trouble. As for the giving Quirks thing, its tricky. For the inheritance process, I feel...
  19. Darwin-18

    MHA - All For The Taking

    Well, at the time, he thought about the similarities of it, as I read the wiki how Osmosian's work and with him knowing about its capability, wouldn’t be a stretch to make a thin connection. I say this as seeing both Power and Matter absorption in albeit weaker package can see somethings off...