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Search results for query: *

  1. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    The necromancy worked! Well, if there was ever a fic that it would work on, it would be this one. Josephus is a 4th Gen! He's basically unstoppable then. Good thing he seems relatively benign (unless you're in a maternity ward).
  2. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    I still come back to reread this masterpiece. You alright Charles?
  3. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Considering Taylor has succeeded in her coup, I'm not sure why she hasn't visited and just told Danny what actually happened to her. Anyway, this fic still achieves the most spontaneous audible laughs per chapter of any that I'm currently reading.
  4. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Malkavians are such fun. Seeing Lisa lose her precious mind is also a delightful bit of suffering.
  5. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Krouse has been outkroused by the Sabbat.
  6. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Holy shit, wow. I have multiple things to say. 1. IT LIVES - Or unlives, or something. 2. Fuck Anne-Marie, bitch needs to be introduced to final death. 3. Sabbat: Civil War, hopefully Taylor's side can save their reputation. 4. Lord Commander Panacea coming in clutch with an army of...
  7. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Oh hello there QA, how nice of you to join in. Are we getting fusion and QAylor two years ahead of schedule?
  8. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    The humour of "the Rite of Morpheus" being whacking someone with a shovel is great whilst not undermining the constant underlying horror of the setting.
  9. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    I love this story. VtM is one of my favourite settings and I keep getting baited by new content. CCP with their World of Darkness MMO, Paradox with a new VtM game, etc. I need to get my fix somewhere... Also, are the Undersiders going to run into their wayward thinker? "Lisa! We thought...
  10. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Has Lung been mind whammied or is he just chill in this fic? Bakuda is also saner than usual.
  11. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Believe in the Joseph that believes in you! Joseph is so wholesome.
  12. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    I really appreciate the constant "WTF" feeling that Taylor is walking around with. Every time she thinks she's got a handle on her colleagues, they pull out a fresh depravity.
  13. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    I hope Taylor's blood can fix a broken back.
  14. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    On the one hand, Joseph is the only one that sees GM coming, on the other, he's a mass murdering psycho. Taylor can't kill him, and I'm half expecting her to try only for him to say "Door me" and become someone else's problem.
  15. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Contessa and the other saviours of humanity looking into this madhouse is reassuring really.
  16. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Is Joseph engaged to Panacea, or SHAPER, or both?
  17. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    I suppose Gold Morning sounds even more sinister for vampires.
  18. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    RIP Lisa. Malkavian Lisa would have been pretty funny though.
  19. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    I love every character in this. Armsmaster, Josephus, all of them. Also, is Josephus the "Wandering Jew"?
  20. A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    So, Josephus ”killed” the old, depressed, and ticking timebomb Amy. Neat. New one is kinda manic, but probably still an improvement to be honest.