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  1. Autocorruptor

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    This is so hilarious and so horrifying. It is hilaroffying. Wait, did Glory Girl get brainwashed? ”We will be a benevolent ruler.” I disbelieve that.
  2. Autocorruptor

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    What the hell is this shit? KILL IT WITH FIRE! I see what you did there!
  3. Autocorruptor

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Holy. Fucking. Shit. Legend is dead. Literally one of the best people in the story is dead. You really like piling on the grimdark, don’t you?
  4. Autocorruptor

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    A shard cracking entropy is bad. A vampire shard cracking entropy is even worse. You are clearly having fun writing this.
  5. Autocorruptor

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    cell Protectorate I don’t know if I should be scared, aroused, or amused by this. Why not all three? Also, you somehow managed to top the horror of this story with that Shielder scene Charles. Good job.
  6. Autocorruptor

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Well…this is concerning. Taylor’s undead army, coming right up.
  7. Autocorruptor

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Well…the Sabbat might suffer one or two casualties, but ultimately, the Brockton Bay villains are fucked.
  8. Autocorruptor

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    This amuses me. Also, the sheer horror of the vampires literally massacring Lung’s gang is terrifying.
  9. Autocorruptor

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Well…he certainly knows how to make a statement.
  10. Autocorruptor

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Americans being sold into slavery in Africa. Ironic, especially considering that the victims are white supremacists. You can make the argument that the vampires aren’t worse than the Nazis, merely like them, but once you can compare a group to the Nazis without hyperbole, the distinction loses...
  11. Autocorruptor

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Ah, the Cask Of Amontillado. Classic. This chapter was adorifying. On one hand, cute lesbians and sexual confusion. On the other hand, fantasizing about licking the stumps of decapitated corpses. The dichotomy is amusing.
  12. Autocorruptor

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Bloody hell, this is creepy. The rape parallels are very unsubtle.