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Search results for query: *

  1. Vanbers

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    On the one hand, Fuck Wiglaf & Anna-Marie. On the other hand, is Panacea really better? On the gripping tentacle, yes, actually, she is. I would in fact prefer to see Taylor working with Full-Blown-Nutso-Amy and Baby-Murdering-Josephus, than tolerate Wiglaf & Anna-Marie putting the...
  2. Vanbers

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Honestly, Josephus is bad, but pretty much everyone in power has some flavour of warcrimes under their belt, barring like, Legend and Dragon. I kinda hope Taylor works with him, subtly, in order to fuck over Wiglaf. Dude should really know better than to disregard out of hand when a sober...
  3. Vanbers

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    Man, that is utterly fucked up. ... and totally on brand for the Sabbat, 10/10, great work. Josephus is completely psychotic and a total monster and I love it. Malkavians have always been my favourite of the clans.
  4. Vanbers

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    On the one hand, Taylor thinks the Malkavian is making sense, which is... typically a bad sign. On the other hand, at least he's totally right about it this time. And on the gripper tentacle, come on Wiglaf, you should be aware of what happens to people that disregard the warnings of a seer...