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  1. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Good to see it again. Sarella finding ancient horror - made it true,she need good husband. And dire wolves as therapists - excellent idea.
  2. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Yet nations manage all that without college educations. Muskets were worst then bows,so she could forget them,but guns were made from bronze,and projects of modern missiles were made in 17th century/polish inventor Arciszewski,if i remember correctly/ Making good gunpowder is easy for people...
  3. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Dornish killed dragon with scorpions.Taylor should gave them missile launchers and guns.
  4. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Basically this.Good story,but she is so overpovered that it is hard to find her human enemies which could threathen her,hence Lannisters was turned into comic relief.
  5. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    ice spiders - she could control them.
  6. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    So,Ophelia want vacation,but get another monster to beat ? which one ? Others she could probably handle.Drowned god ,not so.
  7. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    What is Ophelia goal? she do not really need Lannisters or Robert,so why she is helping them? Especially,that she want revenge on them.
  8. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    All nine from ancient times,or new one from Hollywood ? But,jokes aside,story really is good.And Taylor,as long as do not pick fight with Drowned God,Nightking or whaterer lurk in Stygoi,is save to do whatever she want.
  9. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Harem for Ophelia...good idea.When kingdoms were created,first King usually take daughters from all major tribes.Westeros arleady is Kingdom,so when Ophelia take over she could get husband/waifu from all 7 kingdoms.And add NightQueen as bonus. I would not add Rat Cook or Patchface.,thought.Maybe...
  10. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Good chapter,she would be stronger now.As if she need it.Lannisters,Varys,Others - she could finish them all with what her have till now.
  11. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Thanks for another great chapter. So,Thoros is now her plant,but some eldrith abomination hidden in Harrenhal would try get her? well,whatever it is,it would lost.Just like other abominations - if i were in Others shoes,i would go sleep for another 8000 years.Just to be sure,that all Taylor...
  12. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    is Darkstar looking for painful death? becouse he must knew what Ophelia could do. P.S i read,that once eels was fished using cow heads - people after killing cow throw head into river on rope, and after one or two days it was full of eels.Apparently,human skulls work,too. Interesting - eels are...
  13. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Thanks for another great chapter. But,i do not undarstandt how burning Lorch helped his victims ghosts.Is there from canon,or author idea ? or maybe from Greek myths? althought Odyss offered blood of animals,not burned man.
  14. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Good chapter,but how Sarella could read books if she made fort from them ?
  15. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    servant biten in sensitive place? he was lucky. P.S if she really want venegance for Ellia, both Tywin and Clegane could be eaten alive by ants.
  16. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Good chapter.So, we knew that Baelish in canon killed Arryn - but is it true here,too?
  17. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Logical.Taylor at her peak could not miss wildfire.
  18. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Bad for SB,good for QQ in my opinion. Back to topic - since Taylor have all her powers,she could take over Westeros.And if Others have ice spiders,over them,too. So - what about making it kind of slice-of life? i mean,it would be slighty boring if she defeat easily one opponent per chapter.