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Search results for query: *

  1. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Alright! After far too long I have finished my review! Sorry it took so long.
  2. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Okay I lost my review before and I had to rewrite it so forgive the lateness. But here it is my Ch14 review even if it is a few days late!
  3. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Well like his section mentioned this chapter his reaction to the royal train so far is basically "Oh Gods something on this trip is going to explode and get someone killed, I think I will get duck at a safe distance." The only reason he is here now is his older brother bullied him into...
  4. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Yeah probably, though given this is a Game of Thrones and Worm crossover I imagine everyone being unable to put aside their personal squabbles even in the face of an oncoming apocalypse. Also why the confidence she could beat the Others? Maybe the show version where their is a Night King who...
  5. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Does she want Vengeance? Some of her family does but as far as herself she never knew Elia Martell or believes in the idea of avenging a wrong of her house's honor. Her goal is more not losing her new loving family who do want revenge then anything and she only left Dorne because that poisoning...
  6. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Well we really don't still know that for this story, just that Oberyn believes it. Oberyn is certain that Jon is Ashara's son but he could be wrong, Oberyn is nothing if not ridiculously confident. It would not be strange for him to misread the situation based on assumptions and go all in...
  7. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Alright here is my Chapter 13 review, this time spoiled for convenience. please enjoy everyone!
  8. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Really? A lot happened here a lot of it was just character moments and setup. This is the start of a new arc that is to be expected. I mean she noticed something off: I imagine she will investigate it late on. It could be QA, him being a Greenseer of both but both will probably be noticed upon...
  9. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Chapter 12 review Okay everybody new chapter new review! Hope you enjoy. Ophelia: I've only had him for a day but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself. Well well Lancel! That is a very nice move on your part! I knew that the fact Ophelia is the only...
  10. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Thanks I believe I fixed it. I sincerely don't know how that happened.
  11. One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    Alright I talked to the author and my usual reviews will be posted here, enjoy people! An Edric Daye POV? An original choice if nothing else I suppose you have my attention for now. A little harsh by modern standards but it seems like Dondarrion is a good teacher for him by Westerosi standards...