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Search results for query: *

  1. Daddycool101

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Thanks. I can imagine her planning a home cooked dinner date with you, but ends up forgetting about it. Hence, using the stuff at hand and saying it's made of pork. And she might be a plot hook for wraiths and ghosty folk. Thanks, I was imagining a lasombra to be kinda like the character from...
  2. Daddycool101

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Not canon characters, but waifu from those clans who're kind of stereotypical or quintessential of the clans. Like seeing her and going, "yeah, this is probably how an anime waifu version of this clan character would be." I think you might get a better idea of what I'm looking for my seeing...
  3. Daddycool101

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Anyone interested in helping with a fan dlc for vampire the Masquerade waifu cyoa? I took permission from the original maker and he was ok with it. I'm looking for lasombra, settite, assamite (banu haqim), cappadocian (or Giovanni) waifus. Any bloodline waifus are welcome too.
  4. Daddycool101

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I had an idea for inserting a mokole SI in danmachi (probably as a jumpchain thing where his powers (gifts, rites, etc;) still work. I don't have the books, what I know if from the wiki and forums, but becoming a dino dragon sounds cool. I know that rage helps in healing and gnosis (mnesis?)...
  5. Daddycool101

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I've come across a reddit article some time ago, where a person said they're making fan splats for animatronics from five nights at Freddy's and the monster girls from monster girl encyclopaedia. There isn't any information from them about any updates, so I was thinking, why not make a monster...