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Search results for query: *

  1. Zsarnok

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Actually, as the more important question: What of the God-Machine? They are planning to put multiple Demonblooded children, something that the machine is actively looking for and trying to get its hand on, and then they are opening up the place to the wider supernatural community, rendering...
  2. Zsarnok

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Agency is the regional level power stucture of the Demons right? Then, depending of the level of support from other supernaturals, I can see it working. If they can get a Mage with enought Time to regularly check wether there is some trouble growing, an Agency should have enough power to stop...
  3. Zsarnok

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    If your clan does not have native way of escaping that(Vigor/Protean), it may solve half of the problem namely the berzerking vampire in supermode. The Other half, likely manifest itself as a less than friendly visit from Takforce: Valkyre and other Hunter conspirancies. (Asuming the accident is...
  4. Zsarnok

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Sabbath is an OWoD thing, and the topic come up in a NWoD context. Also mass embrances are posible with in Requiem, the Ordo dracul specifically created a Scale to enable it. I thing it branches off Coil of the Ascendant, but i did not open a Requiem book close to a year, so i am not certain.
  5. Zsarnok

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Step 5: Figure out how to deal with all the fallout from said army constatnly falling into Frenzy.