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  1. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Hey, Southern Hospitality and politeness MATTERS. I'm sure he tips his hat to ladies as well. Even if (especially if) he's about to unspeakably torture them. Ah, that wonderful time of transition when precision metal work was just hitting the stage of being able to dependably make cartridges...
  2. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Looking at his stats, I would have said he got his position from his charisma, presence, leadership and either his performance(acting), subterfuge or his etiquette skills. Hell, his cha, presence and acting skills alone should make it so no one realizes how much of a cunt he is until to late...
  3. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    The writers for RPGs (and Whitewolf in particular) always kind of confused me. It always seems like they ignore their own rules when making NPCs and settings don't function at all with the play styles suggested in games. This becomes even more apparent with White Wolf once they started their...
  4. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Cheer! Congratulate them on how awesome they are! Diableroise them to steal their power!
  5. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    It's were I got the idea in the first place (I think, it's been a while).
  6. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Please remember, I came up with that before Demon even came out, and even after that, we/I played 1sr ed on all the WoD games except Werewolf, so there wasn't any Avatar Storm. And the whole humans punishing themselves, that was just a paradox backlash from one of the two first Mages.Because...
  7. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    But wouldn't God, per the Celestial Choir, BE Consensus? A Consensus of 2 granted at the time, but Consensus all the same. My old theory was that demons were rogue paradox spirits. Really screwed with the players when I first presented that.
  8. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    OK, this part I'll admit I missed, and yes, it would have changed my attitude about the game. Unless it was clearly in in person reference from Lucy himself were he was fucking with someone. They kind of did this anyway. No one ever says it, but when I read the PoV history lessons, each...
  9. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    That's pretty much what I decided. It was all just self justification and selective memory. Although in all honesty, even though I love MtA, no one else in my game group at the time did, and I used the rules from DtF to represent mages in my VtM game. For demons I used the rules from Aberrant...
  10. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    But the way God acks in the story of Caine in VtM wasn't actually THAT off base to what most Christians think of when they think of the story of Cain at all. And all of the rest is mortals making shit up. Demon had God as a character, and did it in a pretty insulting way. That's going to get a...
  11. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Like I said, I have no experience with nWoD. Since the 2 books I have in the nWoD both call it that, I assumed that CofD was the abbriviation for the new Changeling game. But my suggestion isn't actually version (or faction) specific. My example was, but the suggestion wasn't.
  12. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    What did you actually mean here? I only have like 2 books from the nWoD. I prefer the old, and I actually haven't found a group of WoD players I can tolerate for more than a couple of games since I moved to MN, so this all happened before nWoD anyway.
  13. killgore444

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Make your story from the PoV of a Vampire childe being sent as a (completely expendable) diplomat to the local Fae court. A long time ago, I ran a VtM game. I had the players, all Bruha childe, go pick up another young vampire from his home. When they got there, they found a Unselie Sidne in...