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  1. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    So,Satori arleady had dragongirl,but for some reason want mouse,too. Well,i wish them well,but i would rather choose wolfgirl or foxgirl. P.S i Hope,that some catgirl do not eat our favourite mouse !
  2. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    So,it was Touhou.Aliens are fucked even without Satori.
  3. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Good chapter,but making Merchants good guys seems unlike.Too much drugs for made it possible. But Herbert as hidden powerfull daddy? i buy it.
  4. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Use fire to burn bodies? problem is,SI want save those people,not burn them.
  5. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    They would manage that. And,Etheereals must help them in surviving - they want living hosts,not massacred fragments. P.S Zoo in Houston - could they take over animals,too? elephants had big brains.Dogs,big cats,crows - could work,too. smaller mammals and birds,not mention reptiles - probably...
  6. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Who are Ethereals? aside from that - great chapter.And nice aliens to kill. P.S is it Alma from Fear?
  7. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Well,SI get lightsaber,so bad guys must get Death Star.But - he would manage to save multiuniverse. P.S if author made enemies too strong to win,then he could use old pulpfiction trick - "thanks to herculean STRENGHT OF WILL,X win"
  8. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    RL is alway more important.And,if your story get problems,just use another anime/book character to solve it.
  9. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    PRT being PRT,and chaos being chaos. At least SI have fighting chance. P.S would chaos manage to take over PRT?
  10. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    So,Mouse Protector saved a day again.I think that in this version Slaughterhorse 9 would have no good chances to kill her. Becouse,let be frank,compared to enemies SI fought they are small fries.
  11. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Great chapter,as always. So,SI accidentally united Earth bet with 2 other Earths and send it to WH40? well,they were fucked anyway. Is more Tenchi Muyo characters there ? or ships? one juraian battleship could probably wipe out united fleets of all WH40 factions. Arpeggio of blue steel - i like...
  12. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Washu is there? then,they are really safe from everything except her.Chaos and other things from WH40 could arleady commit sudoku:) Real reason why nobody made crossover between WH40 and Tenchi Muyo is that it would be as funny as see homo erectus fighting USA army from 2020.Cumberstomps are...
  13. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Good chapter.Costa-Brown being herself and getting what she deserved was nice to see. P.S Since he is getting stuff from various stories,what about Dahak from Dawid Weber series ?
  14. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    So,Harry with his harem is on Speranza - but why is it manned by gangsters from Necromunda,not Mechanicus? Wernher get Fairy science harem,good for him,and Satori could deal with anybody except Scion. If killing him normally is impossible,why not use warpfuckery on his brain? P.S i remember...
  15. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Great chapter,as always.When i read it first times,i was sure,that Yukari wished them best of fuck.Well,they would need that,too. Moon fairies - interesting,how they would interact with Kerbals. Is Gensyoko on Earth there,too? if so,asking some vampire princess for help in fight could help. And...
  16. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    is Thoth ghost? if so,could another god ghosts help SI? About Eldar....i almost pity them.Well,not Biel - tan,they deserved all bad things that could happen to them. P.S it would be funny if now smarter Eldar start seek humans to marry.Author,send me cute Banshee !
  17. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Then he should conqer Galaxy in the name of himself as Avatar of Mechanicus god.Better then burn churches,pray to computers - becouse every world with churches,computers and population smarter then 10 IQ must rebell. If he did so,then there would be no problems,and at least Lorgar would remain...
  18. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Becouse,for somebody who lived 30.000+ years and saw human nature,his Crusade was simply...idiotic. Humans always have some kind religion,when they try become atheist,like Budda or Marx,they just ended creating another religion.Religions could not be remowed,only replaced.He should go under...
  19. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    I think,that he was rather fed to Astronomicom and kinda still live there - as battery.Finally,he is doing something right.And ImmortalEmperor34 idea of sending Gilgamesz to fight four seems legit - they would fight using their ego,and since nobody could have bigger ego then our favourite...
  20. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Alaya and Gaia added explain many things,and made entire mess easier to deal with.Force making Warp calmer - interesting,how Eldar would react. Most important thing - with Emprah removed,our sisters could become harem of ex-inquisitor.Becouse what is more important - harems or saving universe...