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  1. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    hes in a warpstorm right now. he is still in 40k, its just going to take time for the factions to reistablish connection.... in additon to others getting dragged in.
  2. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    I just realized, the person in the mobile van is arms master. His name is never said, and the personality matches!
  3. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    XCOM was revealed earlier as well as Stargate. The weird focus is because these are background elements, but things need to be fleshed out before worm can even make sense because it as a setting doesn't work.
  4. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    She's from the forge directly. If you can't trust that, you can't trust ANYTHING the forge gives, so you have to just accept it and move on or go insane because of it.
  5. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Chrysalids use biomass to reproduce
  6. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Naw, wouldn't work he only hates demons.
  7. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    I want the mass effect cross part, after all, it should just be stuff on Mars and Charon. Nothing IMMEDIATELY plot realavant.
  8. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    The turtle was homebrewed pretty much, and Metroid tech is basically Deus ex machina (aka walking plot device) Knowledge of Metroid is not needed for the story because we don't really know their top teir feats, only that they are insanely powerful. (Also the chozo are basically master artisans...
  9. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    It's less bad guys get deathstar and more like the bad guys enacting their plans all at the same time.
  10. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Nice chapter! I was not expecting that being the reason that Rico wasn't in contact. Makes sense tho, personally in his position I would have gone fuck it I'm an ai and I wasn't built by anyone on bet. Really freak out the institution. I totally forgot to consider prime with the artifact. Now I...
  11. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Basically the forge leaks and things from other settings pop into Warhammer occasionally. Also sending chorizo to other multiverses is probably well within their abilities. (Also I'm the one that came up with the Metroid perks)
  12. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Ok so that's an chozo upgrade of some sort based on what it looks like, probably an aeon ability from the second game.(can't be bothered to get the name right, about to go bed) my guess is the stupid fast gun.
  13. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    I wonder if the most recent Alma kidnapping attempt was from cauldron?
  14. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    I was expecting parallel universe stuff or time travel, but not this specific thing. Bravo. Also the prt seems to be imploding and I love that. Am curious about warp protection tho. Like how does one do that?
  15. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Pretty sure it's not SUPPOSED to be clear yet. Damage control comes first. Then looking for awnsers.
  16. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    I love this chapter. The implications here just from that part at the end just screams time loop or dimensional alternative self. I also love Alexandria getting smacked off her high horse.
  17. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    I'm betting XCOM is going to get on the line when they point out the incoming enemy fleet.
  18. The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Have I mentioned I love Green and Mio's bickering? I ship them so hard, WHENS THE WEDDING DAMNIT! Also I'm surprised there are no babies yet.