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  1. RIversand

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    hmm.. anyone got a list of the settings that have clashed on this earth Bet? just for clarity.
  2. RIversand

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    generally speaking, rolls happen each time points are gained, in Celestial Forge style stories.
  3. RIversand

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    I am VERY hyped for the next chapters. I am soo looking forward to how Greene handles all of these 'shenanigans' of cosmic fuckery. It's like the worst case of SEVERAL sets of earbuds tangled together in the same pocket. Nightmarish. I look forward to the detangling process.
  4. RIversand

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    now is this the actual truth of the game, PREY? that's the biggest question I have. for those that know, you know. Also I love that they ended up in another jump accidentally.
  5. RIversand

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Those monsters are the Typhon from the game Prey, the recent one, not the old one. It's where the Neuromods are from. using Typhon genetic material, as exotic material. There were mimics, small ones that shapeshift to ambush, and then 'standard' ones, which can be fire, electric, I think even...
  6. RIversand

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Because the author wills it. AND it's Warhammer Forty fucking Thousand.
  7. RIversand

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    A good chapter to read. Quite the interesting set of powerups, and whhhooo boy! The dark energy trying to make him into a darkfalz/dark force. Then there is Little Miss Engineseer, I know how characters can write themselves. She amuses me. Harry's reactions to things, he's trying to roll...
  8. RIversand

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Of course the chozo are doing something. They want to make places better, and are superb precogs normally. They knew where to put things for Samus when she would need them. And now they have another hatchling to aid, as they would put it. With a monumental task. There already was precidence...
  9. RIversand

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    more like chozo techbase acquired.
  10. RIversand

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    the statue is Chozo referencing. Back against a wall, hands as if holding something. it's a freaking CHOZO Reliquary. They'd be the kind of Magi-tech that could probably do that to a valkyrie core.