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Search results for query: *

  1. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Yeah, I am going to retroactively say whatever on the necro. I get it, it's been a while, I apologize. Life is happening and being a bitch. As for the actual reply...apologies for taking so long to respond. So, Short answer in both Doylist and Watsonian D: Most of this was either planned or...
  2. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Not going to quote people because I'm lazy. With respect to the Narrative: I have been informed by many close to me (and my editor(s) that I was slipping due to doing the unthinkable and trying to give legit respect to Worm where it was due. Biggest problem there is that, surprise surprise...
  3. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 31.3 - Dragons, Wizards, and Warrant Officerss at War

    Alright, this is part three of this chapter. I’m thinking there may be one more part to this before I finally move on from it. Also, slight rating bump because someone is a perv. Fair warning. - = | | | | | | | | | | = - Sometimes, all it took was a single pebble in a stream to create a...
  4. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]
    Index: CF Discord Link

    Call this a late addition if you wish. Anyway, here is an invite link to the Celestial Forge discord specifically my small little domain thereof. I am often available for questions and comments here if you wish to discuss anything regarding my writing or the plot. It is also home to some of...
  5. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    While Satori is not going to go overkill, he is very much going to start trying to break the back of this fucking invasion ASAP. Which makes it very fortunate that said back is actively focusing on him. Yeah, Lung is in for a Bad Time until he manages to escalate enough to burn them out...the...
  6. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 31.2 - The Battle(s) of Brockton Bay

    Surprise. Had some stuff going on IRL which delayed this, as well as other issues. You can thank Fourmyle and Xolsis for this getting out, as they were silently poking me to get moving the whole time. In a good way. Anyway, apologies for the wait. Behold, the Battle of Brockton Bay, as...
  7. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Oh, it's going to get worse, especially if you understand the implications of just how large this attack actually was, and the number of Aliens running about. Remember, Anya was standing on a pile of 30 Chryssalids and got faced with another fifty just for her alone. Feel free to extrapolate...
  8. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    ...whoops. Forgot about that part. To be specific: The Ehtereals have insane psionic talent, to the point that the highest tier of Psi power, Void Rift, is exclusive to them alone in XCom EU/EW (until the final mission with the Volunteer, who is for plot reason as strong psionically as the...
  9. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Depends on who you ask and what you are willing to qualify, which is why I said maybe three. One has already appeared in the story, as it's the one that is onboard the Speranza, which for reasons is not utilized. As for the other two...supposedly Trayzn the Infinite has one, being a packrat, and...
  10. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    So, the Van Saar STC is...special in that canonically we aren't exactly sure whats in that STC, only that it is far, far more complete than almost any other known STC in the setting. Only the (maybe) three known complete STC in the setting truly outstrip it. I have gone with one of the potential...
  11. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 31.1 - The Battle of Houston -

    Okay, this took forever and a year, mostly due to me rewriting multiple parts of it several times to work better. This is about as good as it’s getting without me tearing the whole thing apart again, and I am trying to avoid doing just that to prevent another delay, so here you go. - = | | | |...
  12. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    So, minor heads-up. I have updated the perks listing informational with the relevant perks up through the last dump (Chapter 29.) Those of you who were browsing through at the appropriate time may have seen me do something stupid and screw up the post, because Accordions and open spoiler tags...
  13. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Key word here being if. Assuming that Android tech appears, there is no reason why Satori would not pursue it as a means of advancement. As for Super Soldiers...well, do remember that most super soldier programs are meant as wonderweapon-style "cahnge the fate of the conflict" deals and not...
  14. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Umm okaywut. First and foremost, spacing. Return exists, and is intended to make reading things easier for people so they don't have to go through the insianity of dealing with a giant text block. Second, that stream of consciousness is hard as hell to piece through, and that was at a glance...
  15. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    *looks at settings chart* You missed a few, though admittedly the elements being used are few and far between for personal and storytelling reasons. As a side note: Please, do not be afraid to ask questions. The worst I am going to tell you is a non-answer for plot reasons.
  16. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    They are, however, currently the most dangerous, with maybe two exceptions who are deliberately not making themselves known. Also worth noting is that this is the raider attack meant to throw Earth's defenses (read: Satori) off-balance and buy time for the main fleet to arrive and wreck shop...
  17. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 30

    Gaia stirred in her slumber. The world she had nested in for her recovery, and eventual ascension, was not a poor one by any means, especially with the rampant changes that were happening at the moment. Even better, she was drawing all kinds of ambient power just from being so near to her...
  18. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Okay, a quick update for you guys. I've had some issues IRL to deal with (including my phone dying on me, which crippled my access to internet) which have cut into my writing time lately. The good news is that I have resolved most of these, and am now in a position to get back to writing the...
  19. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    I actually am limiting things. Based on the criteria I set for this section of the story, I should actually have at least seven other franchises active at this very moment. Instead I am sticking with the things that are or can be relevant. Apologies if it's getting a bit overbearing. Well...
  20. Slider Zero

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 29

    Advance Note: I am using a new page break style for ease of posting, so the formatting is slightly different. Otherwise, please enjoy. -={/\]=- Rebecca Costa-Brown was a hard woman. She’d had to be, in order to do what needed to be done for the sake of humanity, to stop the entity known as...