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Search results for query: *

  1. Darkarma

    See No Evil Online Reaction

    I'm here to report that someone in my neighborhood was struck by lightning on a clear day. Meteorologists are completely confused about why. Having read this post though... I believe. Back on topic. I've done some digging, apparently, some sample of the Lowtown structural wood supports is a...
  2. Darkarma

    See No Evil Online Reaction

    Not a derail, I'm making a point here: Villains in our town at least keep their heads down, Superman is only a hop skip and a jump away from us. Gotham on the other hand only has Batman. Hell, last time we had a bank robbery here, Supes stopped it while getting some particularly greasy burgers...
  3. Darkarma

    See No Evil Online Reaction

    I'm just going to come out and say it, is anyone going to ask how the tunnels were actually built?! Cause some of the pictures I'm seeing show it's reinforced by wood. Not steel, not concrete. Wood. Fucking wood is holding up tens of thousands of tons of earth, road and skyscrapers. That crap...