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Search results for query: *

  1. Rekka

    See No Evil Online Reaction

    ...Really dude? Not only are you massively necroing the thread - the post before yours is from September, and was also a necro - you... seemed to have either completely missed or chosen to ignore the rules and stated purpose of the thread in favor of freestyling based off of its name. That's...
  2. Rekka

    See No Evil Online Reaction

    *I addressed that in the post you're quoting. Which was a month ago.
  3. Rekka

    See No Evil Online Reaction

    *None of this is roleplay. Actually, I'm pretty sure none of it is canon. The chapter where these reactions were supposed to be in the story has come and gone, and Ideas-Guy had this to say about it. The most egregious issue with the thread - in my opinion - was that a lot of people seemed to...
  4. Rekka

    See No Evil Online Reaction

    Razorfloss When you get ousted from the company on the fifth year, most definitely.
  5. Rekka

    See No Evil Online Reaction

    And if you want to talk about a random city, go find a relevant thread. I shall continue talking about Vergil, Lowtown, and things related to them in this thread, which is dedicated to them. Also, as you appear not to know, Tifa's bar is part of Lowtown, so talking about her bar is talking...
  6. Rekka

    See No Evil Online Reaction

    Actually, Revy doesn't seem to have left Lowtown. A bunch of people did, apparently, but Revy's still around, usually drinking in that bar they have. Even if she had split off, though, she's still more relevant to the discussion than what you were talking about.
  7. Rekka

    See No Evil Online Reaction

    Boomstick64 That third points a bit rich coming from one of the two guys who's been talking about some other city that has nothing to do with Vergil or Lowtown. Razorfloss was at least talking about someone that both lives in Lowtown and interacts with Vergil.
  8. Rekka

    See No Evil Online Reaction

    sperance It all makes sense... Batman (or whoever's funding him) helped his sidekick start and grow a multimillion-dollar corporation, just so they could use that money to help the homeless, and maybe to help fund all their gadgets! Vergil even took down Two-Face! If just anyone could do that...
  9. Rekka

    See No Evil Online Reaction

    sperance Actually, I would like to know that as well. Wait... isn't the new Robin around the same age as this Vergil guy?:eek: