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Search results for query: *

  1. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Go Find QA’s Host and meet up, you’ve kinda put this off for a bit but now you have a costume and awesome powers. Besides you kinda want to meet who Admin’s sister took as a Host. [X] Ask SHAPER to help further prepare [Eve.Eden]'s wetware processor for more Shard business. [X] Speak with...
  2. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Study possible powers with the Echoes, Pings, and Mutations you currently possess (Chance of failure, chance of voter participation) [X] NEGOTIATOR [X] Call in your sighting of the Undersiders (with PRT/Protectorate/MM, whatever makes the most sense for Eve). Follow the van through the air...
  3. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    can I get a link
  4. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    Name of Power: immortal Ratings: brute 11 What it Does: lets the user be unable to die via anything other than the ending of the cycle since they can never die they can do things that would kill most people like filling their body with metal Drawbacks?: the host feels the pain of his deaths...
  5. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    Name of Power: bio-armor Ratings: tinker 1 shaper 7 brute 10 trump 5 What it Does: lets the user cover there body in bio-mass to make armor an weapons out of there can be new unlocks for more avanced weapons via devouring of a creatures bio-mass Drawbacks?: the host is required to genereat...
  6. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Try and hunt gang members, you can rob them too! Dangerous though. (Pings and money depend upon gangs.) -[X] merchants [X] Get ready for the date (Spend money) [X] Use (1) Shaper Ping to start preparations of [Eve.Coldwin.Eden]’s wetware processor. She shouldn’t have been hurt by you...
  7. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] I can make them invisible or not for less or more strength [X] REDUNDANT SYSTEMS [X] Contact Miss Militia and speak to her about it. [X] Investigate the missing lattices of your previous Hosts, you simply don’t have memory of discarding any lattices and that discrepancy is almost blatant...
  8. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Tell [Host.Eve.Eden] about the Parasitical flesh, and what it entails. You'll need the help she can provide. [x] Tell [SATURATE] to hold onto the enemy's flesh, you are the only one who can safely dispose of it in the form of cannibalizing it of course. You will just need a few pings to...
  9. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Party Crasher! Take over Rune and force her to crash all the Platforms, and go from there! [X] Help the two Shards out, send over the new Protocols for communicating with Hosts. Maybe they’ll appreciate the effort you put in to fix the <Warrior Hub>’s various fuck ups. [X] Leave before...
  10. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Cannibalize the foreign green flesh nodes. You’ve discovered that they are connected, and are of a shard similar to [VIAL INFILTRATOR] and are too useful to just Destroy {3 of 4} (Further risk of Deviancy, useful vectors for attacking Shards) [X] Scout to get a sense of the lay of the Docks...
  11. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Investigate the strange green node flesh. You’ve discovered that they are connected, and not dead flesh. However they are causing an interesting interaction with your emotions (The Why) {2 of 4} [X] Scout to get a sense of the lay of the Docks. Knowledge is half the battle, the other half is...
  12. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Head towards the Docks. Dangerous maybe, but it is far from Empire 88 territory. Even if Eve has to deal with the ABB, she could always just master a few. [X] Maybe later you can provide [Host.Eve] with answers, but not at this point in time
  13. dontenglish

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Eve needed to run, now. Get as far away from her house before police showed up from the sounds of domestic violence. [X] No, no need for you to communicate with your [Host.Eve]. You knew enough about her that she didn’t need a push to Conflict. She will do fine on her own. a bit sad I...