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Search results for query: *

  1. thewhiteraven22

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [x] Hurt the Simurgh, give her a reason to scream -[X] Fuck Her plans up, the Trigger should have blinded her. Be the Hero Taylor would want Eden to be.
  2. thewhiteraven22

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Go to the battle and see what you can do to assist. Taylor would never accept anything else. We don't need any more strain on our relationships.
  3. thewhiteraven22

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Network Creation: Create a Sub-Reality Threader to hide the Network from prying eyes (NEEDS: SAFEGUARD and NEGOTIATOR Pings) [X] Get the shower running, continue the plumbing {2 of 3} [X] Go back to the scene of Eve’s Trigger, and put that chapter of her life behind her [X] Speak to the...
  4. thewhiteraven22

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X]Bring [Eve] back into the Firmament, the last visit was cut short. [X]Build the Dimensional Breaching Module (REQUIRES: SHIFT, GATEWAY, SPACE Pings) [X]Keep it. Never been any good at thinking up battle plans, so I'll leave that to everyone else.
  5. thewhiteraven22

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Build the Dimensional Breaching Module (REQUIRES: SHIFT, GATEWAY, SPACE Pings) [X] Bring [Eve] into the Firmament (Causes ???) [X] New Shards, and signatures
  6. thewhiteraven22

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Network Creation: Start construction on a Router Modulator to allow Shards a constant connection to share Data through [X][CHOSEN] Pop dem Grey Boy Bubbles [X] Reform your FirmamentSelf to something more comforting to [Eve] [X] QA and SHAPER
  7. thewhiteraven22

    Worm: A Shard's Quest for Data!

    [X] Network Creation: Upgrade Broadcast Array Module to Broadcast Tower Module {2 of ???} to allow constant links to other Shards. [X] Tell [Eve.Eden] the Truth [X] Check in with Amy [X] Patrol with Khepri! (High chance of ESCALATION) [X] Yes, slay the DragonSlayers [X] Work on the...