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Search results for query: *

  1. Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    Ah, yes, Space Nuremberg Trials. Honestly might be a good idea, for more than one reason. It might mean the Eurondan Alliance ends up learning about the Nazis, and the end of the Second World War, and hopefully makes them able to conceive of a world where they are at peace with the Nation. If...
  2. Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    I'd take blatant sexism over eugenics any day of the week. In the words of one particular fictional Nazi-disagreer: "I'd take that deal. Damn good deal!"
  3. Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    And I thought it was satisfying watching the Princesses be the very big, very progressive gorilla in Earth politics! This is going to be even better!
  4. Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    Ok, that's it. I don't need this negativity in my life. Fully half of my alerts are just this argument right now. I'm unwatching the thread for the moment. I'll check back in a month or so. Dur'id, please, stop arguing and leave the thread. None of your critique, constructive or no, is going...
  5. Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    On another note, I'm curious about the Earth-ian perspective/investigation into Etherian agriculture and economy and stuff. I realize that it might be a case of "careful what you wish for" but I feel like it was kind of cut short by them having to leave ASAP. IDK, on the one hand I'm curious...
  6. Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    A part of this story i find really cool and eye-opening is, essentially, the collision between the social progress of the 2020s and 1990s. It does point out how far the mainstream has, after all, shifted. Things are better now, and that's good. It's also frustrating and satisfying in equal...
  7. Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    A quick tag search suggests that there are three of them, including this. I swear I thought there were more. But to be a bit more honestly flattering, of the few dozen She-Ra fics I've read this one (and Seacat, which I've also read) is (are) easily top five. So thank you for that. I don't know...
  8. Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    Ah, another installment in the coolest She-Ra crossover on the site. Excellent!