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Search results for query: *

  1. Lightxdarkwing

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    I had the biggest grin on my face during that chapter. It was awesome, can't wait for the next one. Grandad Loki:D
  2. Lightxdarkwing

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    Loki? Yep he was in Stargate. He was the guy behind all the alien abduction myths. He liked to kidnap people, replace them with clones of themselves and then swap the clone back for the original a week or two later. He was performing tests on the abducted people to try and create a way for...
  3. Lightxdarkwing

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    For pity's sake. If you don't like the story go and write one that you like better. Personally I liked Seacat, but prefer this one. I like some stories by this author but not others, I don't insist they change the ones I don't like, I just don't read them!
  4. Lightxdarkwing

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    And as expected the people of Earth panic. The various conspiracy theorists around the world are going to use this as evidance that they were right all along aren't they (Although considering that the US government really has been hiding their contact with aliens technically some of them really...
  5. Lightxdarkwing

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    Well, this just keeps getting better. I can't wait for Sg1 to meet Hordak.
  6. Lightxdarkwing

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    Because from their perspective why would you be? Magic is so fundamental to their world that the idea of trying to live without it is unimaginable. To be honest I would be all for the introduction of magic to Earth, but I can understand why not everyone would be as keen as me. Can I also say...
  7. Lightxdarkwing

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    Stargate and She-Ra? Not a cross I ever expected to see, but so far I love it. Especially post canon Catra and Melog. I can't wait to see where this is going.