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Search results for query: *

  1. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 141: The Secret Base Part 1

    Chapter 141: The Secret Base Part 1 Outside PU-9623 System, January 29th, 2000 (Earth Time) Catra stared at the display floating in the middle of the room. “That’s not really detailed,” she complained. It really wasn’t. It was a very rudimentary 3D-model. “That’s the best we can do with our...
  2. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    That would certainly be favoured by the Etherians. Still, such negotiations are messy and usually take a long time. Thanks, fixed!
  3. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 140: Holiday Season Part 4

    Chapter 140: Holiday Season Part 4 Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, January 4th, 2000 Jack O’Neill frowned at the ‘no plants allowed’ sticker on the door to his office. “Someone’s trying to be funny,” he muttered while he ripped it off. He wasn’t planning to have plants in his office...
  4. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    Only the tamer drawings. Sam: Have you met my friends?
  5. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 139: Holiday Season Part 3

    Chapter 139: Holiday Season Part 3 Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, December 28th, 1999 Jack O'Neill stared at his friends. He couldn't have heard correctly, could he? "Cartoons nearly caused a diplomatic issue?" "Those are cartoons 'inspired' by the Etherians," Carter explained...
  6. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    But there's also the "don't piss of the religious fanatics crewing the ships in our solar system" angle to consider. And yes, Kearsy is in a pickle here.
  7. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 138: Holiday Season Part 2

    Chapter 138: Holiday Season Part 2 Washington D.C., December 25th, 1999 (Earth Time) The house hadn’t changed since Samantha Carter had visited the last time. Which had been quite a while ago, before her father had been healed by Adora, actually. Before they had made up. Sam was happy about...
  8. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    Yeah. On the other hand, they don't have the resources to do that right now anyway. So, they resorted to "let's just keep them from killing each other and deal with it later... much later." Thanks, fixed!
  9. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 137: Holiday Season Part 1

    Chapter 137: Holiday Season Part 1 Gate Zone, Euronda, December 22nd, 1999 (Earth Time) “So, you have sold us out.” Adora wanted to sigh and roll her eyes at Alar’s words, but that would have been… not appropriate for the occasion. Which didn’t stop Catra from doing exactly that, of...
  10. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    Indeed. But the Etherians are a bit too naive - the Eurondan Alliance is very unlikely to follow their example and trust them as easily as they expect. Yeah. But the Eurondan Alliance has fought a war for their very survival for decades, only to have the Alliance step in and end it, and then...
  11. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 136: Tense Negotiations Part 4

    Chapter 136: Tense Negotiations Part 4 Gate Room, Euronda, December 18th, 1999 (Earth Time) “You want us to betray our soldiers? Those who fought the hardest for us? Stab our own in the back after all they suffered for our sake?” Samantha Carter was glad she wasn’t standing too close to...
  12. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    Nope. Yeah. This isn't a "OK, both sides are bad, let them fight" story. Yeah. I'm not fond of "it's not a world of black and white but shades of grey" when it comes to Nazis.
  13. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 135: Tense Negotiations Part 3

    Chapter 135: Tense Negotiations Part 3 Restored Zone, Main Continent, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time) Catra leaned back and stretched her arms over her head. The Eurondan Alliance delegation stared, as expected. But they were staring at everyone - well, almost everyone. That they...
  14. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 134: Tense Negotiations Part 2

    Chapter 134: Tense Negotiations Part 2 Underground Base, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time) “No pressure,” Jack O’Neill told Daniel. “You just have to get them to put the war on hold for a while so we can let the diplomats hammer out some armistice.” Judging by the way Daniel...
  15. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 133: Tense Negotiations Part 1

    Chapter 133: Tense Negotiations Part 1 Underground Base, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time) Yes! Tralan had dropped the detonator. Adora beamed, relieved - he had seen reason! They could save this work without further deaths! Jack was moving towards the D.H.D., and Catra had already...
  16. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    Hard not to, I think. They just can't help it :)
  17. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 132: Spy Games Part 8

    Chapter 132: Spy Games Part 8 Underground Base, Euronda, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time) One moment, they were talking. The next, all hell broke loose. Samantha Carter was already moving when the alarm went off. She threw herself out of her chair and dragged Entrapta to the floor. “For...
  18. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 131: Spy Games Part 7

    Chapter 131: Spy Games Part 7 Gate Area, PX-812, December 16th, 1999 (Earth Time) Catra narrowed her eyes. For someone who had something to hide - and she was sure that the Eurondans had something to hide, even if she didn’t know yet what it was - Alar had given in a bit too easily. Was he...
  19. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 130: Spy Games Part 6

    Chapter 130: Spy Games Part 6 Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, December 15th, 1999 “...and that’s why the Russian and Chinese forces have been expelled from Stargate Command,” the Canadian ambassador to the United Nations finished his explanation. “You cannot unilaterally decide...
  20. Starfox5

    Stargate Etheria (Stargate SG-1/She-Ra crossover)

    They could have all the proof possible, and a lot of countries would still claim it was not conclusive - or outright made up. That's a given. The question is what else should they do.