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Search results for query: *

  1. JustCurious

    Into the Coalmine (Worm)

    This is it for the vote! We had a fun write-in too. [X] starting at a new place (Kimiko will handle stress better) - No effect for the moment, but I'll know the next time I mention Kimiko's background! [X] Socialize with Paige a bit, she seemed down tonight.
  2. JustCurious

    Into the Coalmine (Worm)
    Threadmarks: 1.5 - The Talk

    Who is Kimiko? [X] I come from another world, in which there is some limited knowledge of your world's future. -[X] Unfortunately the world is going to experience an apocalypse in less than 5 years and we need to prepare. What is Kimiko’s goal in the mid-term? [X] Investigate Cauldron and...
  3. JustCurious

    Into the Coalmine (Worm)

    Vote closed! Who is Kimiko? [X] I come from another world, in which there is some limited knowledge of your world's future. -[X] Unfortunately the world is going to experience an apocalypse in less than 5 years and we need to prepare. What is Kimiko’s goal in the mid-term? [X] Investigate...
  4. JustCurious

    Into the Coalmine (Worm)

    And we get a double draw! (See results in the spoilers). Consequently, **The vote ends in 24 hours.** If you see this and haven’t already voted, your opinion would be much appreciated!
  5. JustCurious

    Into the Coalmine (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Day 1 - Instruction

    [X] Use it just a touch, only so that he doesn't hurt himself. No. of Votes: 5 [ ] Do not use the power. Hopefully the initial effect hasn't worn off entirely yet. No. of Votes: 2 [ ] Ask her to use her power. This way I can make sure he doesn't raise a fuss. No. of Votes: 1 Damn. I...
  6. JustCurious

    Into the Coalmine (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Day 1 - Confrontation

    Hey folks. Inspirations dried up, and when I finally put a chapter together I realized I needed an emergency vote. The bad news is, today’s part is shorter. The good news is that the next part is mostly ready, so it should be up quickly after this vote! Wait, I have a better idea...
  7. JustCurious

    Into the Coalmine (Worm)

    And now, appears the dread of quests: voters who disagree on different forums... As you know, I also post this on SB and SV. Unfortunately, this time the guys at SV all voted for the same thing, so their choice gets to win :( But don’t give up! Next time you’ll have your way! I believe in you!!
  8. JustCurious

    Into the Coalmine (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Day 1 - Catch up

    Things were falling into place. Paige's abusive ex had probably been under her power's influence. Hell, I would not be surprised if he had been stalking her and attending her concerts before he came to her. That would have left him easily suggestible during their argument. And when Paige gave...
  9. JustCurious

    Into the Coalmine (Worm)

    [X] Kimiko. [X] You have to catch him. -[X] I may know a bit of the future...
  10. JustCurious

    Into the Coalmine (Worm)

    Quick news: - Quest now crossposted on SV and SB. All votes are counted together. Please only vote on one forum, thank you. - First update will be tomorrow thursday. (So that SV and SB viewers can join in.) - Added a poll for your name.
  11. JustCurious

    Into the Coalmine (Worm)

    My bad, I am not very familiar with the platform, and chose the colors wrong. Is it better now?
  12. JustCurious

    Into the Coalmine (Worm)
    Threadmarks: Day 1 - First contact

    Hi, I am new. Throw me comments, feedback, tomatoes, thumbs up. No wait, no tomatoes. Also, send me PM if you have tips, thankee <3 You can talk to Canary, but you do not control Canary (for now). Other threads (quest posts are identical): - SV thread: Into the Coalmine (Worm Quest) - SB...