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  1. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Now,Olga must die.Or,it would not be IoM we love to hate.
  2. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Mechanicum want Olga.Problem is - Chaos,too.Poor girl.
  3. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    That kind of trap would not work on average IoM dude.They should use,i do not knew, fake injured priest/noble/sororitas or something like that.
  4. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Priest is deluding himself.Yes,theocracy could be stable system/or not/ - if it was real theocracy.I.o.M is patchwork of many systems,which worked till Emprah was alive.With him as zombie,it must slowly fall down.Only reason,why it not fall yet,are enemies - there is nobody to whom IoM citizen...
  5. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Looking at picture - it is neither Nurgle or Khorne. So,what is it? Slaanesh or Tzaaneth? first is more nasty,but second more dangerous.In both cases,they are screwed.Maybe if Olga start calling calvary again,something would come fight it? If not - there is excellent pulpfiction trick.Just start...
  6. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Poor Kryptman.Well,Inquisitors could suffer,too. And Olga meet her future in Jennifer person.
  7. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Fun thing - was what lie in commie states,in IoM is true.They live in die in shit,but their Faith could at least save their souls.And what Chaos would do to them is far worst then IoM. IoM should thanks for enemies like Chaos and Nids - without them people would welcome any invader as...
  8. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    surviving as robot in WH40 working for Mechanicus - it is indeed very optymistic for average joe/or olga/ in WH40.Almost all get something worst. But,if Olga is lucky alive,you could save her in the end of all chapters using old pulpfiction trick - thanks to herculean strenght of Will,Olga...
  9. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    So,she could survive as robot.Better then other options.
  10. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Your visions are OK.Worm universe is almost as fucked as WH40/only difference - nobody try eat their souls,and they have very small chance for victory/ And Russian Orthodox church was part of russian state from Ivan terrible coward times,so it is like IoM.Only they have no sexy sororitas.
  11. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Indeed,images do not work.But - maybe imagination is better ? anyway,please continue.We love to see how poor girl suffer in dark grim future.But i salute her courage.most people tossed in WH40,if they do not die arleady,would go mad or kill themselves.Including me.
  12. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    So,they would live.Good/or bad/ for them.InWH40 quick death is usually best alternative. And your story is not worst then average WH40 book.
  13. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    So,she would be SoB.And meet Krypt later.Why not gave her to Mechanicus ? it would made everybody happy. P.S fun thing - in WH40 she get best possible place except maybe Tau.Or,to be precise,less bad.
  14. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Nobody expected pillow Inquisitor.Great work ,author!
  15. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Or pulpfiction protagonist.They never died,only rode to the sunhine with blond boobzilla.
  16. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Best friend and Hope? in WH40 it mean smart Chaos leader.But - dude from Vidoc could be Chaos sorcerer.Tzaaneth existed in 19th century,according to lore./good movie,by the way/ Olga is extremally lucky to survive till now.If she keep alive Krypt,she could become Acolyte.With her luck,she...
  17. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Good.I remember some old storiy on fanfiction net when ST meet WH40 ,everybody was happy,and Look get Eldar waifu.It was really...funny. Although,if Olga get Eldar waifu,it would be funny,too.
  18. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Hardcore - good.But common sense in WH40 - they would execute her.
  19. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    In WH40 is best option - usually.They were paradise planets where you could live safely and nice.But,if her luck is really good,she have chances. What about her WH40 knowledge? if Olga knew,for example,where look for STC,she could live good live.Or bad in Mechanicum prison. But - knowing when...
  20. Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)

    Something is taking over cogitor? Tyranids should be not capable of doing so.Maybe warp entities ? or Dark Eldars.No matter who,unless Olga luck let her fight them,best option is still suicide.