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Search results for query: *

  1. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Announcement

    This story is over. But if you liked it. There is another, by this author, and with a very similar vibe. A young girl finds herself in a foreign cruel world and has to fight her way through tooth and nail. Ecumene
  2. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Epilogue

    Epilogue * * * "Hello, hello, my friend!" Inquisitor Ordo Malleus, named Lazar Carnot Wimpfen, was sitting in a chair amidst mountains of equipment and racks of records, looking like a junkman. And he was smiling, looking at Kryptman through his glasses. The Inquisitor was cordial, affable...
  3. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 32

    Chapter 32 * * * Fidus pulled on his jacket, straightened the cuffs of the sleeves, and checked that the tiny aquiles on the brass buttons were oriented correctly, that is, strictly vertically, not obliquely. Given his somewhat "suspended" status as either "already an inquisitor" or "not yet,"...
  4. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 31

    Chapter 31 "To the side," Schmettau repeated, taking the classic two-handed aiming stance. "No," Kryptman echoed, stepping between the hell-gun and Olga. Luct staggered to his left, standing to his master's left. Everything happened quickly, like in a theater, as if the parties were...
  5. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Extras: Olga and Jennifer

    From Flick
  6. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 30

    Chapter 30 * * * Inside, the theater building was just as bleakly pathos-laden as the outside. Gigantism, hatred of rounded shapes and lines, carpets, tapestries, mosaic panels depicting battle scenes, and peaceful labor. Aquilas and other state symbols are everywhere the eye falls. Despite...
  7. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 29

    Chapter 29 * * * "Original," said Schmettau, when he saw the tech-priestess with a servo skull taped to her head. Jennifer didn't dignify him with a response, or maybe she just didn't hear him. Both outside inquisitors strapped carbines to the sides of the Chimera, Schmettau on the right...
  8. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 28

    Chapter 28 * * * Olga's mind was a little fuzzy, the effects of her otherworldly misadventures and her ghostly friends. When the first fuse had passed, and Demetrius had taken a good slap for his perverted advances, the girl had literally been cut down by fatigue. Exhaustion turned out to be...
  9. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 27

    Chapter 27 * * * The steam locomotive, freed from the bonds of the multi-ton train, rushed forward like a heavy bird that rushes off a cliff to gain speed and catch the wind with its wings. Human language is too poor to describe the range of emotions that the machine spirit experienced in its...
  10. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 25

    Part 5 A bit of kindness Chapter 25 * * * "Two hundred and fifteen kilometers per hour," commented Schmettau. "It seems that for this steam monster, the resistance of the medium has been abolished." The Inquisitor had swapped his sybaritic robe and slippers for a blue wool tracksuit...
  11. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 24

    Chapter 24 * * * Kryptman sat motionlessly and looked at the pale faces of the psychonauts. Olga seemed to have calmed down a little, at least she was no longer crying in unconsciousness, and Demetrius, on the contrary, was shivering like a freezing man. The novice's face twitched frequently as...
  12. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 23

    Chapter 23 * * * Inside the 'Chimera' was unexpectedly spacious. In a compartment designed for a dozen soldiers with ammunition, there were only three people, of which only one - Kryptman - was big. Olga was placed on three blankets stacked on top of one another. Kriftman silently wrapped duct...
  13. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 22

    Chapter 22 * * * Olga was drowning in the lilac fog, dissolving like a sugar cube in warm water - slowly and inevitably at the same time. The brain seemed to work like a broken computer with a shrunken memory. The consciousness was enough to understand fragmentary moments, but when one tried to...
  14. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 21

    Chapter 21 * * * Wakrufmann was definitely not expecting the girl, but she welcomed her with quiet cordiality. Although 'cordiality', apparently, was not the right word. Sitting down next to the heater (she wonders who it was on for, were other guests here, or did the priestess and her...
  15. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 20

    Chapter 20 * * * Close people are the most annoying. A stranger can be unpleasant, harmful, dangerous - anything. However, it is only those who are near, at arm's length, and closer that truly infuriates. Inquisitor Schmettau had pondered this paradox on more than one occasion, having been...
  16. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 19

    Part 4 Sacred duty Chapter 19 * * * "Hey, get up." Olga crawled out of her half-slumber like an insect after a molt, that is, slowly, heavily, and sadly. Now she wanted to sleep all the time, chronic fatigue firmly entrenched in her muscles. The girl glanced apathetically at Savlar from under...
  17. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 18

    Chapter 18 * * * The twelve-story white and gray building was a little apart from the main complex of the planetary spaceport. The building was typical of Beacon and stood out only for its restrained decor, laconic even by the standards of the poor world. No sacred symbols were adorning the...
  18. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 17

    Chapter 17 * * * "He's alive," Essen Pale thought for a moment and clarified just in case. "They are alive." "Yes," agreed Schmettau. "But, to tell you the truth, that's the second thing I'm worried about right now. Or even third..." Such thinking aloud had become habitual for an...
  19. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 16

    Chapter 16 * * * No, they were not wolves. The throat of a living creature of flesh and blood could hardly make such a sound. It sounded more like a long musical note that hung in the heavy, musty air, unwilling to stop. It was an unpleasant, ominous note, most suitable for accompanying a horror...
  20. RiP

    Kryp (WH40k Translation FemProtagonist Isekai)
    Threadmarks: The Squad Chapter 15

    Chapter 15 Now... * * * Everything happened quickly, and at the same time, Olga again saw what was happening as if perception accelerated many times. The blue glow of the fuse, the soft click of the flamethrower's trigger opening the valve. The sharp smell of acetone hits the nose, misting the...