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Search results for query: *

  1. Our Teacher is a Devil (Youjo Senki x BNHA)

    We either have very different perspectives or you just have an author bias. You're only 50k words in and you've already got halfway in several plot and character arcs, took Tanya from a new sub teacher to a promotion, and introduced several different factions. Compare this to... I don't know...
  2. Our Teacher is a Devil (Youjo Senki x BNHA)

    Have you not seen... every other comment so far? See, I agree with everything here, except that I don't even think it is realistic or logical with how it was written. And nailing those two counts for a lot at least in my subjective like. Set aside the power interaction I already noted...
  3. Our Teacher is a Devil (Youjo Senki x BNHA)

    I am confused AF what stops Tanya from cutting Shiragaki in many pieces, Nomu or not. I was under the impression that her barriers don't have to originate from her body and have a ridiculous range. Freeing herself up from the Nomu is tertiary. At first I was confused about that, but then I...
  4. Our Teacher is a Devil (Youjo Senki x BNHA)

    https://forum.questionablequesting.com/search/46578464/?q=spacebattles&t=post&o=relevance&c[thread]=16974 https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/our-teacher-is-a-devil-youjo-senki-x-bnha.16974/#post-5077828
  5. Our Teacher is a Devil (Youjo Senki x BNHA)

    On the Tanya vs OSHA situation, and after reading ahead on fanfiction, this seems like a situation where Tanya holds pretty much all the cards, but has mind-fucked herself into going along with whatever they request of her. Which is a situation that can keep dragging on for perpetuity, until she...