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Search results for query: *

  1. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes
    Threadmarks: [X] Pull off one of the tarps on the cages and see what's being held in them. She might have just hit the motherlode.

    Just a peek. They're in cages, after all. Not like they can hurt me. Rosie stepped forward on her bare feet and gripped the tarp on the nearest cage to her. She breathed in heavily, a little weary about what she might find underneath. Closing her eyes, she quickly pulled the tarp off, letting...
  2. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes
    Threadmarks: [X] Play it safe, grab the tarp that was over the Musharna cage and cover up with it. It'll do for now...right?

    Okay, Rosie, let's not risk her waking up. Just play it safe for now. Rosie grabbed the tarp that was now sagging halfway off of the cage. The Pokemon inside wailed at her once again and her face contorted as she cringed in reaction to it. "Shh, it's okay. It's okay." She put her hand out to...
  3. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes

    I AM SO SORRY!!! I know it feels like I keep abandoning this story and coming back to it when I remember, but I promise I'm still invested, I've just been so burnt out from this semester and trying to finish my finals, I'm trying my best to keep my motivation up. But I am almost done, and I...
  4. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes
    Threadmarks: [X] Rush her from behind and see if she can get the syringe from her, get her stuck in a dream.

    Think Rosie...you have nothing to lose here. Literally...If you're stuck here forever, then you might as well go out with a bang. Do something! Move! Rosie sat in the corner of the tent, still buck naked, clutching her knees to her chest in fright as the woman spoke ominously in front of her...
  5. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes
    Threadmarks: [X] "It's been a rough day, I'm lost, naked, and very far from home, and I just wanted a quick meal. I didn't mean to steal from you." (Appeal to her sympathies, if she has any.)

    It's okay, Rosie. She might be evil, but she's still a person. Just be honest with her, and maybe she'll understand. "It's been a rough day, I'm lost, naked, and very far from home, and I just wanted a quick meal. I didn't mean to steal from you." Rosie quivered a little as she covered her...
  6. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes

    To be fair, she has no intention of actually joining up, she would only be doing it in the hopes of being given a uniform and maybe some information.
  7. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes

    Hey everyone! I'm really sorry for my lateness with this update. I've been on spring break binging Tales of Arise, and I sorta let time get away from me, haha. I intend to update this more frequently from here on out, I promise! That being said, I would like to clarify that you don't know what I...
  8. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes
    Threadmarks: [X] Head back into the woods and see what she finds there, maybe a lead on the Musharna?

    [X] Head back into the woods and see what she finds there, maybe a lead on the Musharna? Oh my god, I can't believe this...I'm stranded in the Unova region! Normally, I'd be thrilled, my partner and I love this game! Except I'm naked. Completely and utterly naked. Not a stitch on me, and to...
  9. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes
    Threadmarks: Rosalina Kisuragi - Bio

    I realize I forgot to provide a bio for our protagonist, so here's one now: Rosalina Kisuragi Rosalina, affectionately called “Rosie” by her friends and family, is a 24-year-old college graduate with a degree in biology. Despite this, and her recurring interest in the field, she had...
  10. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes
    Threadmarks: [X] Act like everything is normal and greet them as she is. After all, this has to be a dream, right?

    [X] Act like everything is normal and greet them as she is. After all, this has to be a dream, right? Relax, Rosie. You're dreaming. This is one of those creepy naked dreams, you just passed out and now you're dreaming. You've read about this before. Lucid dreaming? You were more tired...
  11. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes

    Hey guys! I promise this is still going, (I will hopefully be updating it today), just been busy with life and work/school. With that being said, I have been trying to figure out how to increase the voting options, and maybe add both dialogue options and options for what she does, but I'm not...
  12. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes

    Heehee, well don't worry, I have no intention of making clothing be easy to come by for her, trust me. You can vote for the options that might seem like they'll lead to her being clothed, and you will more than likely be pleasantly surprised.
  13. TwilightThorn

    [CYOA] That Time I Warped to a Fictional World Without any Clothes

    It was dusk on a cool Saturday evening as Rosalina walked out of the movie theater. Her black canvas sneakers were worn on the sides and wrinkled as she stepped onto the sidewalk. She was more than ready to go home, and had already begun the process of removing her work clothes as she stripped...