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  1. A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Great chapter, lulus sniffing is funny. I particularly like that kallen's dad and tanyas portions. After lulus part it makes me guess that we are 2-3 chapters away from the day of rebellion. Not sure. I am very happy to see this updated. Also happy birthday!
  2. A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Yeah, I would agree it doesn't give much of an indication that the universe actually has a personality. I agree it isn't proof. And more generally is kind of out of left Field. Although the stories themes do touch on ethics quite a bit. And is pretty heavy on the dramatic irony. The main...
  3. A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Religious history is pretty interesting. Reading back some of the earlier comments it seems like he is mostly just manipulating the group though. Although, he is working towards sincere and genuine goals. One of the plot points to the of anime was Charles wanting to kill god. Although the way...
  4. A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Really good chapter. A lot longer than I was expecting too. I really like his new Anglican church. Tonya making herself dicatator of shinjuku while running the evacuation was also interesting.