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Search results for query: *

  1. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 634

    Looking at the small town (or settlement or whatever you wanted to call it) in front of us, I was blown away. Not because it was nicer or more intricately crafted than most Ascendant cities I'd seen so far, but exactly the opposite. The Underdistrict, as Griff called it, was unique in that the...
  2. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 633

    The next morning found all of us in varying levels of discomfort. I was mostly fine, I'd minimized drinking as much as possible, and chased it with plenty of water, but the others weren't all so lucky. Gabe, Chelsea, and Mel were all twitching messes. Callie seemed like she might be a bit...
  3. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 632

    To my surprise, we entered the bar to the whoops and cheers of all the patrons. I was shocked they'd know about all this, but apparently Griff wasn't shy about owning his decisions. Walking up to the big bearded man I reaching into my ring and dropped 'Matthew's' head on the table with a thump...
  4. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 631

    We waited until we left the bar before Callie put us under Stealth. "Ok, that can't have been a coincidence right?" Chelsea asked in a harsh whisper. "We come there and he immediately sends us to deal with the fallout of a situation WE caused?" I shrugged. "It could be. It's not even really...
  5. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 630

    Damned Souls was louder than the name implied. Or maybe it was just louder than the name led me to infer. I'd kind of assumed that the name spoke of a hallowed place full of dread whispers, but it was probably my mistake. I'd been in enough bars to know what they were like, and this one wasn't...
  6. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 629

    "I feel exposed." I complained as we walked into a shady empire controlled area. This was supposedly the central territory of the Horned Lords, and it was the first place we were cheking for clues about what the hell was going on. "Like, do we have to walk around like this? It's embarrassing."...
  7. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 628

    The short Horned Lord (whose name we learned was Matthew) was eager to tell us what we wanted to know. And more. He actually ended up spending about fifteen minutes babbling about nonsense I didn't care about, and if I hadn't been sure he was absolutely convinced Bethy was going to feed him to...
  8. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 627

    The second the other members of the Horned Lords charged, the rest of us moved. I rose from my chair, foot touching down on the edge of the grill table and hurling myself up. My State of Grace was pretty much permanent in my armor, so I soared up into the air weightlessly. I'd probably have hit...
  9. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 626

    The party was being held at a restaurant called Flat Bridges. I had no clue WHY it was called that, but no one else seemed to think it was weird so I didn't bring it up. "So…" I said as we stopped in front of the doors to the restaurant. "How do you want to do this? If we're trying to be...
  10. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 625

    We met up with the girls and Callen back at the inn, because Callie didn't want me to see her dress before the wedding. They all seemed happy and relaxed, and I realized I felt pretty good too. A day just hanging and shopping with friends was pretty fun, though I wished we could've all gone...
  11. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 624

    My new staff was amazing. I might have been a bit biased about the issue, but still, I loved it. I wanted to immediately go do some sparring, but I knew that we had other things to do. So, with nothing else to do, we decided to look around the market to see if there was anything besides weapons...
  12. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 623

    The market we arrived at was one of the smaller ones. It was on the border of Empire and Church territory, and I was hoping we would get better prices because it wasn't quite so busy. Competing with C and B-rankers in the main hub market would be an exercise in frustration, and something a bit...
  13. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 622

    We ended up finding a nondescript inn near my mom's place to stay, Chelsea making it clear to the owners that we valued our privacy. Once we all settled in at The Randy Skink (easily the worst inn name I'd ever seen) we headed to bed, eager to wake up the next morning and meet up with Gabe and...
  14. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 621

    "Shane! Chelsea! It's so good to see you!" My mother stood and hurried over, tightly hugging both me and my sister before ushering us toward the table. "You made good time, I wasn't expecting you for at least a few more days." I shrugged. "Killian was expecting to run into some trouble in the...
  15. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 620

    Stepping back onto a suppressed landmass after four months on the Necromedes was a bit jarring, but we adapted much faster than the last time. "This place is…big." I said in awe. The continent was triangular, with each of the three main factions taking up a corner. The Church, The Empire, and...
  16. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 619

    Four months went by faster than I'd expected. Our last journey had been almost eternal in comparison, probably because aside from wishes I hadn't really done much training at all. I'd just…lived. Spent time with Callie, gotten to know my sister. The small bit of actual training I'd done had...
  17. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 618

    A month flew by. I was pretty shocked at exactly how quickly it had gone. Spending time with Chelsea and Nat, as well as wedding planning and helping with the construction. It occurred to me the next day that I really could use the money from working on the village, so I'd ended up pitching in...
  18. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 617

    We met up with the others back at the valley (I still refused to use the term Bennington, because it was stupid and definitely not because I was jealous I didn't have a town named after me) and I just felt…exhausted. It was strange, really, I'd been fine for the whole month, time with Callie and...
  19. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 616

    “What have you done?” Snapped the Duke, eyes frantic. “You’ve doomed yourself! To enter an event into your Chronicle before it has come to pass. You know what will happen if you fail!” Despite his words, he sounded more like he was trying to convince himself. Sure enough, Zeke, or rather, the...
  20. Malcolm Tent

    Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)
    Threadmarks: chapter 615

    “This is bad.” I said bluntly to Callie and the others. “Like, worse than most things. On a scale of one to ten this is like a fifteen.” I knew that because I could see Zeke standing up there. I could hear him talk. And he didn't sound confident or laid back. He sounded ANGRY. That wasn't...