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  1. Rodvek97

    Swords and Magic, but Mostly Swords (DxD SI)

    I think slavery using evil piece only count if you use it to other race. If evil piece only use to another devil, its can be count as rise up in power and status.
  2. Rodvek97

    Swords and Magic, but Mostly Swords (DxD SI)

    Im not sure about it. I think its wiill take 5 or more years before evil piece is shared to noble devil by Ajuka. Its possible at the time serafall get evil piece from Ajuka, Magnus is more powerfull than Serafall. Or he not, and Serafall can make him her queen or knight in my opinion.
  3. Rodvek97

    Swords and Magic, but Mostly Swords (DxD SI)

    I dont think so. To do that, he must have more talent. Maybe for his magic is more passive effect or strengtheing magic.
  4. Rodvek97

    Swords and Magic, but Mostly Swords (DxD SI)

    He will be the 4th super devil :sneaky:
  5. Rodvek97

    Swords and Magic, but Mostly Swords (DxD SI)

    Thanks for the chapter. Ffftt... hahahaha... i agree with it. Hohoo. This is event when the satan descendent say they are more superior than other devil and you are only they tool. I guess its make sense with how situation in underworld now.
  6. Rodvek97

    Swords and Magic, but Mostly Swords (DxD SI)

    Nice chapter So, we got the setting of story is before Devil Civil War and Our MC is the son of Guard in Sitri clan. Its very interesting setting and i cant wait to see how you will play it. Yeah, Rizevim isnt care about goverment the devil. I can image when he hear about civil war he will say...