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Search results for query: *

  1. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    ... Oh my God this is perfection. You've outdone yourself yet again Flightless!
  2. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    ......... Flightless Man you do this yes-yes? Very character evolution-development, much comedy-funny, yes?
  3. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Man. What bug crawled up it's ass and died? Oh wait Reachtech. Reach's doctors are mandated by law to do that to newborns right? In other news... Good Job Ted. Artemis may be the Hawkeye of their Avengers, but that doesn't mean she should get a Scarab for her End-of-the-World Power up!
  4. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    ... You cannot ascertain the AMOUNT OF OLD I'm feeling right now.
  5. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Best. Boi. Period.
  6. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    .... Of course it's a recicled plot line. God forbid they don't re-use shit until it starts to stale these days... Also wow Kyle huh? In a world where my respect for the Lanterns is rock bottom since that rando preteen token minority managed to hack and jury rig one to function with no issues...
  7. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Action and Glenn being cool scenes are great, but this chapters where he just... Does good without having to punch people and shiet is nice. Cream of the crop!
  8. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Dedication, patience, an horoscope and a very big axe. The chopping tool, not the body spray.
  9. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Welp. That's explains my weird love for the pairing! It's mirroring Best SpiderCouple! Well aside from JJJ and pictures of Spiderman at any rate.
  10. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Not gonna lie, Jade and Glenn in these scenes have shown more chemistry then their respective initial pairings with Roy and Artemis, not to mention the sheer potential for great scenes of both comedy, drama and romance between the Gelato&Cat Connection of allowed to bloom... It's weird, but...
  11. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Haaaaah. This was nice. Very nice. Nicely done with only 1000 words you made my heart grow 3 sizes this day. On a different note, does anybody have a spare heart?
  12. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Here you too are discussing unimportant things like Roy being coded to chase the Cold Bone... While we have Momma Fries out and about and wanting to meet her Good Boi Son. Now THAT'S a thing to talk and stay to watch... Preferably with Victor also there. Hey actually did we get Victor's...
  13. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    And it was the best line to end it on too. Nice.
  14. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Huh. That's a weird stopping point with a weird gap. It's not even hidden text... How Bizzare.
  15. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Local Children Superhero Team ruins everything for everyone, especially for World Renown Millionaire Superhero Philanthropist Glenn "Sub-zero" Fries. When approached for comment, young Fries stated "I'd assume they knew better. DAMN YOU HINDSIGHT!!" More news, at eleven.
  16. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    "Ew that guy is ugly as sin cover it up COVER IT UP! - Ed Boon after losing his girlfriend to the render of a random trooper, probably.
  17. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    I dunno Coldboi. She's a NAMED Ninja. That's like... A thousand Normal Ninja worth of firepower. So yea to be honest Jade might strut around but if Iceman commeth's all over her body she's done. She's still a squishy humie and she's not fast enough to stab him with that dinky knife in the...
  18. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Ras: So young Glenn, what made you decide to join our League? Money, power? Perhaps a sense of duty? Frozone: Nah. Wanted to learn how to freeze a man and tear out his head with the spine attached. Ras: Haaaa. The Mortal Kombat motive. Fair enough. We needed a Sub-zero for our Scorpion...
  19. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Do it! Just do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday, you said tomorrow. So just do it! Make your dreams come true! Just do it! Some people dream of success, while you're gonna wake up and work hard at it! Nothing is impossible! You should get to the point where anyone else would...
  20. ThedudeManBro

    Of Ice and Men (Young Justice. Icicle Junior SI.)

    Nice to see that our resident popsicle stand managed to thaw out The Real Slim Shady Red Archer through the power of Greek roughhousing (it's not gay if it's Greek guyz)