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Search results for query: *

  1. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Not going to lie, after that shit I really hope Leila ends with a sword through her guts.
  2. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    With the way things escalated and how Mylene just said, figuratively, "fuck it" to the world, we're closer and closer to the exclusive QQ-grade chapters parts!!
  3. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Well, now they're beyond the "fucked" describer, specially if Fannos is involved, like in canon ...that's pretty much a sucker bet, but one can never know with an AU x'D
  4. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    I think most people is following it in spacebattles. So, I was wrong, the previous tea party was not the start of Mylene's Route, it was just the prologue of Leon's Route!! Leon, Marie and Olivia were just decoys! She's the real protagonist!
  5. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    I give her two months at much before she's riding Leon. Teasing is a double-edged sword, after all. But no matter what, the teasing is going to be glorious, 'cause I can't see Leon don't teasing her back once he get used to it!
  6. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Extreme but effective... tho' thinking about it, and given that magic is a widespread thing in the setting, there should be methods to block the use of magic without a fight or knocking her out. I mean, their prison need to contain magic users and then there's that slave collar bullshit in the...
  7. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    I commented on it in SB, but I still can believe you're adding two more games! x'D
  8. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Ooooor the sheer power of low self-steem, plus "he's better without me", plus innate mental powers (Saint) Well, I'm really looking forwards to the moment Leon, Angie and Clarise learn about it (My bet's on Control realizing what's happening)
  9. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    I hope, I really hope, Angie, Clarice and 'Livia are just at the other side of the door hearing all of it! Great chapter!!
  10. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Yes, Julius, you must fear the power of Mylene! She who's the best waifu of the setting! She who's actually competent! Oliviaaaaaaaaa, stop being silly, both Angie and Clarise want you with them! Stop acting like you were the third (or fouth) wheel! Also, really glad that them realize it's...
  11. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    I think both Leon and Olivia are suffering of one hell of a impostor syndrome PLUS the weird psychic thing that seems to be happening and we were able to see at the end of Leon and Clarise's conversation. Getter rays are one hell of a drug.
  12. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Well, fuck. ...Not gonna lie, I really hope Leon get to see this scenario in a dream or vision at some point, just to nail how much of a mess he could've unleashed on the setting.
  13. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    She's precious, truly, absolutely precious. And if something happens to her, like getting possesed by that Anne bitch, I fucking hope Leon goes on a rampage and full dark soul on the setting :V
  14. Crimson Reiter

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Marie route is pretty nice, Leon has his moments to bright and he get more development as a person, he feels more like a character and less as a semi static SI like in the main story. Buuuuuuuut, he also gets even more annoying at times, that wouldn't a problem if said 'at times' was so...