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  1. Hai-Spectrum

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    This story is going off the godamn rails and I love it. I also like the fact I read the Getter Robot D2's exclamtions in Ryouma's voice since those are totally him and got validated for doing that. I may play too much Super Robot Wars.
  2. Hai-Spectrum

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Woo-hoo! I first heard this song the first time I played SRW V (didn't play Z, can't stand language barrier) and its an absolute jam. Piled onto the fact the first time you see Shin Getter Armageddon Ryouma in the Black Getter this theme feels super fitting for this fic. Feeling the hype.
  3. Hai-Spectrum

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    I thought some things weren't lining up a bit. It's nice for you to go over the source material and maybe a wiki or two but as far as I'm concerned this entire situation is hyper AU regardless. In a very good, pretty hot-blodded way. Still can't get Can't Stop out of my head, and when that's...
  4. Hai-Spectrum

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Finally caught up. Super happy with the story this is, at least with how everybody is in a better place than in both timeliness at their respective points making this to me Best Timeline™. That being said once the bigger Getter problems starts popping up (or a certain crotchety old tree needs...
  5. Hai-Spectrum

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Sorry, was just commenting as was reading my way to the present.
  6. Hai-Spectrum

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Oof, video unavailable. I'm liking this version of Leon waaay more than ever in intentional denial never owning up bitch-boy Canon Leon. His indecisiveness did too much harm for me to ever think of him properly positively.
  7. Hai-Spectrum

    Is it really okay to use Getter Rays in a world of Otome Games? [MobuSeka/Getter Robo]

    Ooh man, now that's the Big Getter Energy I came for in this fic. I'm so socked and pleasantly surprised this fic exists. Most I know of Getter is from Super Robot Wars and from watching the first 20 or so episodes (RIP Gora, saddest side character I could ever have known), but I just jumped...