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Search results for query: *

  1. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Sad to find out this was completed while I was having issues, but thanks for completing it. Sad it ended like all worm fics seem to (with an exhausted whimper), but that seems inevitable so I am just happy that it was finished. Whatever happened to Taylor's clone?
  2. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    ...does she gather benefits from prayer? If yes, does she get benefits from other kinds of worship (sacrifices and death cults underworld benefits)? I believe her power is based on the Eclipse (/their Anima Power) Caste Solar without the limitations (at least some of them), but whether that...
  3. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    I thought they gained the status from collecting enough data to 'evolve' (for lack of better word...upgrade themselves maybe?). Trying to figure out how this happened. Did she express a desire to be 'healed' in Taylor's presence? Wildbow canon, IIRC Which spell is that? I nearly choked on the...
  4. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    That is a big difference. Considering how it is either rapidly developing or co-opting Shards, I had assumed it was a Monarach Shard, and since canon Shard is one (and Trump is one of the classifications it can develop based on WoG, I assumed it was QA in this). If Taylor develops enough power...
  5. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Pretty sure her Shard is still QA, and thus it outranks Broadcast, which undercuts that option, especially when we consider that it loves HELPING Taylor. :p More seriously, the first part is why I didn't consider it a possibility
  6. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    So many options. Guessing Solar Medicine Charm, but Abyssal Craft would supply good options. Medicine from any Exalt type would also work. Some Yozi Charms, but nothing is clicking as a "Oh my God of course" option. Alchemical also has a number of possibilities, especially if it combines with...
  7. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Curious about all of the potential powers that could have been, and the one that is still possible. Is Aster dead? ...Jack Slash's attack are Holy...since I am pretty sure it doesn't ignore all defenses. A moment of silence for best dad (and Taylor for not being a heartless monster without best...
  8. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Only thing I can think of for his power is either the Adamant Sorcery spell that transports a place to Elsewhere, and time travels much slower there with travel between their and real space being difficult; or the Spirit Charm that allows multiple bodies (honestly expected that for Crusader)...
  9. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    ...curious what her true name is (since I thought the canon was Terror Drone x), and if this is a reference to something? Confused why this is getting her so annoyed, considering she herself is the inverse (as shown with Shadow Stalker rape) Interesting. Curious about how the Hebrew connotation...
  10. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Do we know she's French? I have seen people pointing out her name is proof she is of Hebrew descent, to German descent, but never French. Not claiming you are wrong, just that its a new one for me.
  11. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Is she stripping here or did she actually start felating him? How much longer until the month is used up (and is it Creation month (aka 29.16666667 Earth days) or Earth business month aka 30 days. Who? When did Taylor get the God Body Abomination? How would Panacea see that (although if the baby...
  12. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    In Exalted, (at least 1E and 2E), derangements are classified mutations (probably under the assumption their brain has locked itself into a loop if natural [or was born with a defect], if not a m outright supernatural cause]), and Scoured Perfection of Form can both grant mutations and undo them...
  13. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Its called the Great Curse inseries :v All traditional Exalted drink Kool-Aid, just different flavoring added (and the Infernals and Abyssals are energy drinks and nitroglycerin respectively :p)
  14. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Considering the debt only lasts a month (or 29 days + 4 hours if converted from a Creation month) 2when invoked (and Taylor has invoked it otherwise Aisha wouldn't have felt the impending botch), so probably worth it at least in this case. Far more onerous demands could have been made Aisha :)
  15. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    I just count them as Charms while remembering that the Dragon Paths are more like Sorcery merged with Charms broadly speaking (I believe that might actually be how they are described, at least once, broad in use like Sorcery, and not quite as powerful as a focused Charm). I am positive the...
  16. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    So all she needs to get his loyalty (or at least some of it) is the expansion Charm Scoured Perfection of Form to undo his mutation (there are other ways in pretty much everyone's charm/path sets [not positive about ghosts or dragon kings though, but since he asked about her using Verdant...
  17. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Why would Vista not collect black mail/redirect the blame material on someone who has pissed her off for years?
  18. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    I believe you are referring to the dice adders, and the reason for that is the fact that any action they are applicable for can have dice (potential ability) added or outright successes added (would need a Second Excellency for that though). Since OP said it was a Yozi Excellency, the Dice Cap...
  19. Akuma-Heika

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    So many questions :p