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Search results for query: *

  1. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

  2. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Huh, I missed the update ping for this.
  3. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Link please.
  4. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Did she intend to become Butcher? Wouldn't she have known that would happen if she didn't?
  5. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    I'm pretty sure Aisha described the wound on Taylor's abdomen and Evil Taylor concluded that the wolf baby was killed.
  6. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Time to kill the birb.
  7. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    So, Slaughterhouse time now?
  8. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Because in places like China and Nigeria, buildings routinely collapse due to shoddy construction. This is actually a problem that America had a century ago because insurance and building codes fixed it.
  9. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    No, Armsmaster, Dragon, and the PRT know Smith is like a 50-year old man.
  10. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    We know Kaiser's dead because the author said so.
  11. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Taylor can just make a new wolf companion, right?
  12. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Impressive amounts of evil.
  13. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

  14. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Glory Girl actually is reasonably similar to Brandish and Flashbang (and Manpower), while Panacea is a biokinetic like Marquis. A celebrity can't show up with a five-year-old kid one day and hide the fact that it was an adoption.
  15. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Okay, but Kaiser's secret identity is public knowledge and it will be really hard for Theo to have a secret identity when it's public knowledge that he's the son of a cape.
  16. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    I think second gen capes are well understood enough that everyone would think it very unusual if Theo was a Thinker.
  17. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    The Low Key - Loki pun is intentional.
  18. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    So, what power did she get from MM?
  19. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    If this is following stations of canon, then is this the part where she kills Alexandria?
  20. PlasticSoldier

    Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    It seems to me that Lisa would've tipped Taylor off if her identity was about to be blown. So, I'm thinking that Loki's identity will either not be revealed or will be connected to a fake person.