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Search results for query: *

  1. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Then whence comes the story breaking power? I don’t understand how spamming that is quite so “game breaking”? For her specialities like deception, sure, but otherwise?
  2. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    So if I’m understanding the implications of Uber’s power correctly. Taylor would have gotten essentially Path to Victory, But one step at time? Perfect actions, but without the foresight to know what comes next? I dunno, I reckon that has some legs. Maybe not once she accumulates enough powers...
  3. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Never got the chance to post this when I first guessed the name. But here in all its glory is the inspiration for Taylor’s only good idea this entire story. I am despondent that we never got a chance to watch her act out the scooby doo tier slasher movie villain on some poor smucks inna...
  4. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Maybe I’ve been huffing too much of the Simurgh brand funny juice. But….. Z.XX as a number scheme allows for the oh so delicious Z.10(N?) as a final chapter. I don’t want this to be over, I’m having far too much fun at the expense of Taylor and all the people who are probably still convinced...
  5. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Unwitting saboteur of his own goals. I’m sure there exist innumerable paths to “fixing Eidolons self image issues” but who could know that the strongest man alive’s fear of inadequacy had summoned up the penultimately mightiest of foes. Presumably only the fairy queen could have had the...
  6. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    The being terrified of the monster at the end of the world stealing her soul problem? Or some other concern? I feel path to changing my souls price is either possible, or if the price is “the death of the second entity” then she’d consider it a win either way. Assuming Taylor doesn’t become...
  7. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    So what new horrors will Taylor have to come up with to deal with her third EB? Presumably these two methods will work on Simmie and Levi, if they target her. But the twins can copy Codie’s power to unwind behemoth felling strikes, and be too big to blindly fly into her core while cosplaying as...
  8. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    The list of Brockton Bay capes reads like a who’s who of the power ranking leader boards. Stranger: who said that?! Master/Striker: fuck you Shaker: fuck you again, also fuck your neighbouhood blaster: fuck you and the endbringer you rode in on. That’s not even counting if Lily is still...
  9. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    The goddamn hubris to transport Shatterbird within a hundred miles of any city you find even vaguely important. The only thing worse would be to dump her in a desert or a beach. So, you’re thousand of miles from home, surrounded by hundreds of enemy capes with myriad powers, cut off from...
  10. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    I cannot wait for some people to put 2+2 together and work out that it takes twice as many hits to kill an EB as a parahuman. And three more than a regular old human! The Fallen will suddenly seem a lot less crazy when they claim the EBs are gods/angels when they have twice the soul of anyone...
  11. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Riley equals best girl shaped being confirmed?!!!
  12. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    And the first one bites the dust!!! Perfect attacks stacked with defence ignoring strikes. Was bound to work out at some point. But I’m gonna echo what was said already, zero chance for “Esper” to stay ignoble. Toppling the first nightmare tends to focus minds. Taylor just needs to hope...
  13. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    If Taylor the determinator and child exterminator isn’t 10 for willpower, I’m honestly scared to imagine what or who would be? Dragon because she can overclock the bit of her brain in charge of that and unplug any annoying bite that say no, I’m tired/scared/etc ??
  14. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    And the pay off!! I’m sure Jack is pleased with himself despite the carnage to his squad. The man went along with it happily. I guess if Taylor goes off the rails enough then he gets to claim he somehow was responsible for her evil rise to power? That thinker skill of his isn’t quite suited to...
  15. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    I’m almost feeling sorry for Taylor. All the beautiful powers, and her minions / trainees just go out and murder them all. Hoist upon her own petard!!
  16. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Go Lily!!! Hopefully Quicksilver’s crash course in using your power like the apex hunter killer shark Sting really is will pay off. I cannot wait for secret moveset *turn a shield or sheet of plywood into an eraser and just straight up delete some fools* to raise eyebrows among the...
  17. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Or quite a few less with the E88 reduced to ruins.
  18. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    Or she’s simply the last woman standing once the whole thing burns down. Regardless of who lit the match, she’ll be there to blow out the last candle.
  19. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    On the subject of converting people to be better minions. I just realised the perfect dark path to acquiring the ultimate perfect attack minion. Soul price: Lily just wants a place to belong. Problem: Taylor has a place, but it’s white only. Solution: Taylor can officially make the asian...
  20. Charm Learning Shard (Worm/Exalted) (COMPLETED)

    So now we play no holds barred danger tag. It’s like clockblocker and the fairy queen had a baby. Any combat thinker with a danger sense is gonna have a wild time looking at her. Butcher: sees Low-key, immediately flame teleports straight up and keeps going until they reach the Karman line.