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Search results for query: *

  1. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    Wait, if it's powered by memes, then the motives behind its creation must be complex!
  2. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    Ah. The virus. It is powered by memes.
  3. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    [X] Box Well now we need to see the other result opening it can have!
  4. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    [X] Open the Box The plot of ZTD is opening the catbox of DCOM, so we must open the box
  5. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    If this was a video game, I would probably do all three other Game Theory endings now, but doing them all at once doesn't seem very interesting for a Quest...
  6. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    [X] Yes, continue
  7. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    [X] Mortality (Junpei and Sigma) I guess this was a puzzle we return to later once we know its answer.
  8. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    You don't have to do Revisit, that Fragment is one of the normal options.
  9. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    [X] Mortality (Junpei and Sigma) Not getting to see an older Sigma play off of a younger Tenmyouji was one of the many missed opportunities of ZTD.
  10. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    If the answer to this is a spoiler, that's fine, but are puzzle rooms without Akane present happening?
  11. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    [X] Revisit -[X] Pathogen Lets see the other choice!
  12. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    [X] Snap at Sigma This option is almost like communicating! Also, nice to see our protag being Phoenix Wright.
  13. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    I really want to see more of what you are doing with Mira's character.
  14. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    [X] Misgiving (Mira and Sigma) It feels weird to be the only person participating here.
  15. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    [X] Sacrifice no-one and because I like approval voting [X] Sacrifice Sigma and Phi for saving six million. Also: Hora!
  16. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    "You are being given the option to add two to that count immediately." Where is the choice to sacrifice no-one? Based on how Mr. Complex Motives explained it, that should be an option.
  17. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    :cool:My motives are complex
  18. Cubbyhb1

    Zero Escape: Zero Win Game

    Looking forward to seeing where you go with this!